// TWO //

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guys it's the weekend 👹

If it's underlined it's what they say to the camera



I walked in behind Nicky and Tom as everyone cheered. Nicky was explaining why she thought she would have been murdered when Claire and Wilf walked in.

John, Fay, Amanda, and Alyssa walked in next.

"Wilf jumped on him when he walked in. It was so funny, like he knew he wasn't dead, but he was so happy he was alive" (Grace).

Theo, Aisha, and Andrea were the only ones left to come.

Andrea walked in next and looked shocked when everyone cheered for her.

When Theo walked in, some of us cheered while others stood in shock.

"My plan is to be like everyone's friend, but not in the sense of wanting to know what they think of the traitor or their game plans. Like, be their friend" (Grace).


We split into two groups: 8-12. The group with 8 went to the church. The group with 12 had to listen to the songs and work them out. We walked to the chapel.

'Has anyone done bell ringing before?' Rayan asks the group.

'A little bit,' Ivan replies.

Something I haven't told anyone is I used to do theatre and drama in high school, but yeah, we definitely had the easier job. Imagine running around the castle like a lunatic (Grace).

Ivan started reading the sheet music to us. They got it right, which was amazing. Rayan went over to the sheet music and started playing, and they got it right again. Maddy went to the front, telling us what notes to play, and we got it right again.

But when Fay went to the front, it all went downhill. She was saying the notes too fast, and we couldn't keep up with it. So we do it again slower, but we didn't get it. After that, Alex went, and we got it right.


I was with Rayan, Meryl, Wilf, Andrea, Amanda, Aaron, and Hannah in the games room talking about how Imran was suspicious, Meryl mentioned Nicky and John came over and said, 'My gut instincts are telling me it's Nicky and Fay.'

'I'm leaning towards Fay,' I told the group. 'Yesterday Aisha said that Fay was suspicious, and now she's gone.'


'Does anyone feel confident?' Hannah asks.

'No, definitely not,' Andrea says.

'I'm feeling confident,' Hannah tells us. 'I think that the person that it is does not want it to be them, and this makes it a lot harder.'

'For me, there are two people, and one's in my head, one's in my heart,' Wilf told us all.

'I agree, there are two that changed post round table yesterday,' Claire said, and people nodded their heads.

'I think it's been very difficult to detect any of the traitors, but the only person I can detect change in is Nicky,' Fay says.


Andrea: it's not like to go, I think that's the wrong word, but I've gone,' Nicky."

Alex: "I felt coming in here I haven't seen enough of everyone to make a judgment, but from what I've just seen at this table and seeing how people defended themselves, I feel like if you were faithful, you would have defended yourself a lot more convincingly."

Aaron: "I just wanted to be honest with myself, so I've gone with Imran."

Grace: "I've gone for Fay. I feel like everyone overlooked Aisha having doubt about you, but she's gone now, and I feel like it could be a tactical move."

Amanda: "I'm going for Nicky. You haven't behaved like I suppose I and a lot of us have. I'm so sorry."

Nicky: "I'm sticking with what I first said, Fay."

Imran: "Out of everybody, the person who I think's energy has changed since the beginning is Nicky."

Meryl: "I'm really sorry, Nicky."

Wilf: "Nicky."

Hannah: "Nicky, if you're faithful, I don't know why you're playing it like this."

Rayan: "With regret, Nicky."

Matt: Nicky

Fay: Nicky

Ivan: Nicky

Claire: Nicky

Theo: Nicky

Tom: Nicky

Maddy: Nicky

Alyssa: Nicky

John: Nicky

Nicky went to the front as the first voted out player.

"Just like to say, you know what, it's hard decision to make, and it's not been very pleasant. However... you're all wrong. I'm a faithful.

"Players, you banished an innocent player. I'd say sleep well, but one of you will be murdered." Claudia tells us.

Everyone was so convinced that it was Nicky.


Me, Aaron, Matt, and Alyssa were in the games room, my arm draped around Alyssa's shoulders.

"Everyone's going in on Nicky, right? And I was like, if anything I have right now, I was gonna change the subject, but everyone kept going in, and I was like I'm not going to add to the because I have nothing to say about Nicky."

"I can't believe that," John said, walking in, taking a seat. "How did we get it so wrong?"

"Yeah, it's gutting. At least I was honest, and I didn't stick someone up that I didn't think was, like, true."(I shortened it because his rant was like 5 minutes long✌️)


We have to leave all of the suspects in:

Imran and Fay.

Alex, Aaron, Tom, Ivan, and Claire."


Yallll bestie Matthew made me a TikTok this morning

but sent me this

There butthole keychains 😭

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There butthole keychains 😭

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