Chapter 16: Bombarded Liana

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I jumped into the car's back seat and rested my head on the window.

Ace: Why are you seated at the back?

Me: Just being respectful.

Ace: I promise, I won't bite.

Me: I know, I feel comfortable here.

Ace: Okay, suit yourself.

Ace started the car, and the Estate grew smaller with every move.

Me: I feel like running away.

Ace: Because of marrying Lee Romano?

Me: Just everything. The uncle and aunt I trusted betrayed me by recommending me to Lee to repay the favor, everything has a catch to it, so I can't escape...

Ace: I understand. Well, I can't say I have been in your situation before but one thing I can tell you is that Lee Romano is a great guy to be around once you get to know him. Give it some time.

Me: Since it comes from his sworn brother, I will take your word for it. Thanks, Ace.

Ace: Anytime.

He dropped me at the front gate of the house.

Ace: Will you be okay from here?

Me: I am basically home Ace. I will be fine.

Ace: If you say so... Lee Romano wouldn't want his fiancee getting hurt.

Me: Ace...

Ace: Fine, I will go. See you soon.

Me: Bye Ace.

Wait, he just said, "See you soon." What did he mean?

Me: Wait, Ace---

Ace was long gone. 

I turned my back from the road and went inside the house. I was welcomed by Dad, Zane, Ziana, and Alicia looking at me.

Me: Guys, your stares are pretty painful.

Zane: You didn't tell us you were getting married to Lee Romano.

Me: Dad, Aunt Hailey, and Uncle Henry arranged my marriage! It wasn't my decision. As you saw, I was ambushed!

Alicia: Aunt Hailey and Uncle Henry? Why?

Me: They... thought they would get me away from the pressure of getting married, so Lee Romano asked them to look for a spouse and here I am. Where's Mom?

bed. She is devasted. Wait what?!

Me: Dad, I am not dying. Hm?

Dad: Hailey and Henry... arranged your marriage? To take the pressure of marriage away from you?

Me: Yeah, when they no longer wanted to have dealings with the Raynolds, they asked Lee for help, which in turn, asked them to help out with finding him a spouse. Here I am! Besides, it's not like I am dying... at least.

Dad: Yeah, but you are marrying into the Romano Family! You are going to deal with the life of the paparazzi, and the media and we are part of it too. You think it's fun?

I folded my arms and looked at everyone.

Me: Of course not Dad.

Dad: Then cancel the wedding.

Me: How? It was broadcast to the entire country!

Dad: If you have nothing to lose, cancel the wedding.

I stood in front of my Dad silently. Mom came downstairs with her bag and was at the door.

Me: Mom? Hi.

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