Chapter 10: Yes!

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Hailey: So, are you satisfied?

Me: Very. I will let my boss know tomorrow morning.

Henry: Oh, your boss was worried that you were not going?

Me: I was reported. 

Henry: That sounds bad - but happy you are agreeing to come along.

Hailey: Indeed, we wouldn't want our niece to be in trouble during her last days.

Me: Wait, last day of what?

Hailey: Oh sorry, I rephrased it the wrong way. I just meant that we wouldn't want our niece to be in trouble in the work of her dreams.

Last days of what? Aunt Hailey's words kept lingering in my mind. 

I wonder what she meant by that. 

I went back to the room to change back into my pajamas and the four of us walked Aunt Hailey and Uncle Henry out to their car.

Me: Bye Aunt and Uncle!

Ziana: Thank you so much for visiting and convincing a little someone.

Alicia: And for the meals - we missed you guys.

Zane: Please visit soon!

Aunt Hailey: We will! See you tomorrow Li!

Uncle Henry: We too are happy to see you all, we will make sure to do this often.

Hailey and Henry: Bye!

Us: Bye!

And they drove away.

Me: Why did you sell me out, guys?!

Zane: To tell you the truth, I wanted you to converse with other people, and I felt that if you went to the dinner party, you would get used to crowded places and maybe...

Alicia: Think about romance from a different perspective. Sorry, Li.

I sighed and pouted.

Me: Naughty siblings.

Zane smiled at me.

Zane: Oh really?

Me: Yeah. But you really can't make me mad.

Ziana: Of course not - with an adorable face like mine, who would feel mad?

We all laughed. I loved this about my family - we could laugh and have fun together.

But enough of my sentimental side...

I need to get my beauty sleep for tomorrow's day.

Me: Okay guys, I will be going to sleep. Good night!

Ziana: Nighty night sis!

Zane: Good night Li!

Alicia: Good night.

I left them to go to my room. I threw myself on my bed and overplayed all the events that happened to me. Nathan's confession, Riana's constant threat, Jonathan's words, attending the dinner party... my life feels a bit rushed.

Before I fell asleep, I got a message from Aunt Hailey:

"HI Li! 

We will pick you up at 6:15 p.m. okay?

Love you and see you tomorrow!"

Me: Aunt Hailey, they surely want me out of the house and see the world huh?




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