Chapter 13: Bombshell

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Me: Mia?!

Mia: Liana, hey!

I gave her a big hug.

Me: It's been such a long time! How are you keeping?

Mia: It has been - no I am good and yourself? I see you are looking gorgeous as always!

Me: I could say the same too!

Mia: So... the last time I knew you, Liana and dinner parties did not mix. What's with the sudden change girl?

Me: If you could know, it is a long story. I got dragged by my aunt and uncle to come... so here I am! He said he wanted to introduce me to Lee Romano---

Mia: Wait! That Romano?

Me: That Romano Mia. Let me tell you, he is...

Mia: Don't be shy now Liana. He is handsome, right?

Me: I didn't say he was handsome. Let's just say, our meeting could have gone better.

Mia: Don't worry, once you know him, he is a sweetheart.

Why is everyone telling me this? Why should I care about Lee Romano?

Me: Mia. He is getting married. Why should I be worried about the man? It's not like I am getting married to him.

Mia skipped the topic.

Mia: Anyways, how is life treating you?

Me: The same. Until all my colleagues criticized me for not having a boyfriend... as if it's compulsory.

Mia: Babes, I get it, experiencing that is awful, but look at this - what kind of beautiful, smart young, elegant lady like you doesn't have a significant other by her side?

Me: I don't know, personal preference?

Mia: Oh Liana - you are still the same stick-to-her-decision girl huh?

Me: And she will never change. But enough about me, how have you been keeping up with work and everything?

Mia: It's good. Now that I am married---

Me: Hold up - married? When?

Mia: I got married in North Cybric 3 months ago, my husband works along with the Raynolds---

The Romano's rival family, the Raynolds...

Mia: And so we threw a lavish party but I, unfortunately, lost your contact details so I couldn't invite you.

Me: Or do you mean that your wedding needed the invitee to have a partner and so the boring Liana Rodriguez couldn't come because she has no partner? 

Mia: Gosh Liana, you pretty much catch up to info fast! That was the case. Sorry.

Me: Don't stress - no need to worry. 

Mia: Oh Liana! You are such a sweet friend you know!

Me: Ha! Should I believe those words?

Mia: Of course! Ever since the entire class went their separate ways after graduation we all lost contact with each other and as for me, you are the only person I know.

Me: Well... that is indeed true. And you are the only person I have from senior high.

Mia: You do?!

Me: Really.

Mia: Liana... may you not change forever! I do love introverted ones... man, you can tell where real friendship lies!

Me: Very funny Mia, but I am being honest. It's truly good to see you again.

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