Chapter 7: I Thought I Told You

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12:00 P.M


I went out to my car only to find Nathan standing outside, which startled me a bit.

Nathan: Hey.

Me: Phew! It's you Nathan... hey.

Nathan: Woah, I startled Liana? Am I not on a roll today?

Me: You sure are alright. Anyway, what brings you outside, I thought you would be with your friends?

Nathan: Friends? They are just my colleagues whom I am friendly with. 

Nathan looked at me.

Nathan: Are we not colleagues?

Me: We are.

Nathan: Liana, you know...

He came and whispered in my ear.

Nathan: I miss you.

My heart skipped a beat.

Me: Nathan, are you flirting with me?

Nathan: Am I good?

Me: No. But I must say, you pretty shocked me.

Nathan: Really?

Me: Yeah - I thought I told you---

Nathan: That you are not interested in having a romantic relationship? I get it.

Me: Then why are you continuing?

Nathan: To do what?

Me: You know what I mean - to flatter me. Why are you hurting yourself?

Nathan: I don't know... love is blind?

Was Nathan this much of a flirter? Does he do this with all women?

I pushed Nathan away. 

Me: Nathan, listen. I have said this once and I will do it again. I don't have any interest in romance and relationships. I know you may feel hurt for me not returning your feelings but I hope you understand. Okay?

Nathan looked at me intently before smirking.

Me: What's with the smirk?

Nathan: My feelings for you are indeed at this moment, one-sided. But I don't mind waiting centuries for your love.

Is he kidding?

Me: Nathan, you wouldn't want to waste your time on me, there will be someone you will love and cherish that---

Nathan: I will wait for your love, centuries after centuries.

Me: Nathan, you are not listening---

Nathan: Goodbye Liana.

Me: Nathan! Forget about---

Soon he went back into the office.

Me: ARGH! How did my life get so ruined?!

Riana: Relationship problems?

I turned around to see Riana with Kayla and two other women.

Me: No - it's life's anxieties.

Riana: Spare me the lies. I saw you and Nathan were talking. He likes you but you didn't reciprocate his feelings. Poor Nathan.

Me: What? Was I supposed to force myself to like him?

Riana: No sweetie. I didn't say force. You could have tried him out, who knows, maybe your feelings towards romance would have changed.

Woman 1: But too bad she's allergic to guys.

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