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I arrived at the hospital my Mom told me. I rushed to ask the nurse my father's room and then I ran faster to go there even if I bumped into people and almost slipped.

'Dad. My Dad, what happened to him. Is he okay?'

With only that running through my mind, I finally found the room. I didn't waste any time and I opened the door.

"Dad! Mom!" I shouted and ran towards them.

They were startled by my voice and confusingly looked at me. There are doctor and nurses, I saw my Mom crying beside Dad who's laying in a hospital bed. My body is shaking while coming closer to them.

"M-mom, what happened to Dad?" I hugged Mom to comfort her.

She didn't answer me because of crying so I turned to the doctor to ask. "Doc, what happened to my Dad?"

"I heard he fell from the stairs and hit his head. We already done an operation to close the wounds. He's going to be alright and let's just wait for him to wake up." the doctor explained.

"Uh ... what else do I need to do?" I asked. My Mom couldn't do anything now because of fear and panic.

"Everything is done. Your brother is filling out the form right now since your Mom couldn't stop crying." - Doc.

"Semi is here?"

"Yes. So let's just wait until he wake up so we can examine if he's really okay." Doc said and I nodded. Then after they finish what they're doing they all left.

I led my Mom to sit on the sofa and calm her down by giving her water.

"Mom, please calm down. Tell me what happened." I sat beside her and caressed her back.

When she calmed down, she stood up and stand beside Dad's bed and I followed her. When she looked at me, she stopped crying.

"He had a fight with Sophie and he accidentally slipped and fell from the stairs."

"What?!" I shockingly asked her. "What the heck is her problem?"

Is almost drowning me isn't enough and he wants to harm our father too? No freaking way I will let her near us again.

I clenched my fist feeling furious. My hands are shaking in anger. Seeing my beloved Dad laying in a hospital bed just because of that girl, I cannot control my anger. If I saw her, I don't know what I can do.

"Where is she?!" I asked again when she didn't talk.

"Haze.. don't let your anger-"

Mom didn't finish what she's about to say when the door opened and Sophie showed up. I slowly walked towards her, and then...



I slapped her both face. She fell to the ground because of that. But I didn't care.

"HOW COULD YOU HURT MY DAD?!" I shouted at her.

"Haze!" Mom came running to me and held me close to her to stopped me from slapping her again.

Semi arrived and helped her sister to get up. We're standing and facing each other. Semi looks very worried while Sophie is glaring at me.

"How dare you slap me?" - Sophie was about to come at me but Semi is holding her.

"Stop it Sophie. You shouldn't have come here in the first place."- Semi.

"Huh! First, you almost kill me at the beach and now you want to harm my father?!" I'm still shoutng at her.

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