Chapter 25: Stars and Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Yes, she succumbed to a heart attack—"

"She was murdered," Seungcheol's interjection hung heavy in the air, a revelation that froze Jeonghan's heart in disbelief, his gaze fixed upon Seungcheol with a mixture of shock and horror.

"My father, the late King, was her assailant," Seungcheol revealed, drawing a deep breath as Jeonghan withdrew slightly, allowing Seungcheol to sit upright, the weight of his confession heavy upon his shoulders.

The wind, a mournful lament, whispered through the abandoned hut, its plaintive cry a haunting echo of Seungcheol's anguish, as he closed his eyes, seeking solace in the gentle caress of its embrace.

"There is much I do not understand," Seungcheol sighed, feeling Jeonghan's comforting hand upon his bicep, a silent gesture of solidarity amidst the storm of his emotions.

"Perhaps he acted out of jealousy, or perhaps it was her betrayal that drove him to madness," Seungcheol's voice, heavy with sorrow, trembled with the weight of painful memories, his throat constricted with the unspoken anguish that lay buried within.

"My father discovered my mother's infidelity," he continued, his voice cracking with emotion, "His possessive nature, his jealousy, it consumed him, driving him to commit unspeakable acts of violence in a desperate bid to reclaim what he believed was rightfully his."

"He discovered her in the arms of another man," Seungcheol's bitter recollection hung heavy in the air, a testament to the depths of his father's despair, as he recounted the tragic events that had torn their family apart.

"He struck him down in a fit of rage," Seungcheol's words, laden with sorrow, bore witness to the heartbreak that had shattered their once idyllic existence, his tears tracing silent paths down his cheeks.

"And yet, despite his origins, I loved my half-brother dearly," Seungcheol confessed, his voice choked with emotion, as he spoke of the brother he had lost, the brother who had borne the brunt of their father's wrath.

"Over time, my father came to begrudgingly accept Jisoo's royal status," Seungcheol's voice, heavy with sorrow, trembled with the weight of unspoken regret, "But his resentment toward my mother never waned, festering like a wound that refused to heal."

"His possessive love consumed her," Seungcheol wept, feeling a gentle hand wipe away his tears, a silent gesture of comfort amidst the storm of his grief.

"And now, I fear becoming like my father," Seungcheol confessed, his voice heavy with sorrow, his heart burdened by the legacy of pain and loss that had shaped his existence.

"Promise me, my beloved rose," Seungcheol implored, his voice filled with a mixture of vulnerability and determination, as he clasped Jeonghan's hand with a tenderness that bordered on fragility. Each stroke of his touch seemed to linger, as if he feared the slightest pressure might shatter the delicate bond between them.

"Promise me that if ever my love becomes a burden, if it ever threatens to suffocate you, you will not hesitate to end it, even if it means plunging a dagger into my heart."

Jeonghan gazed into Seungcheol's eyes, searching for the truth that lay hidden within their depths. So many thoughts whirled within his mind, a tempest of emotions threatening to overwhelm him. Could he truly make such a promise, to extinguish the very source of his love and devotion? The weight of their entwined destinies bore down upon him, each decision a delicate balance between loyalty and self-preservation.

The air hung heavy with the weight of their shared burden, the tension palpable as they stood on the precipice of uncertainty. Jeonghan's heart ached with the weight of the choice that lay before him, torn between the depths of his affection for Seungcheol and the shadow of doubt that lingered in the recesses of his mind.

But even amidst the turmoil of his inner turmoil, Jeonghan knew that his love for Seungcheol transcended the boundaries of fear and doubt. With a hesitant nod, he offered his solemn vow, a silent pledge to honor Seungcheol's request, no matter the cost.

As their hands remained clasped in a silent covenant, Jeonghan could feel the weight of their shared destiny pressing down upon him, a reminder of the sacrifices they were both willing to make in the name of love. And though the path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, he found solace in the knowledge that they would face whatever trials awaited them together, bound by the unbreakable bond of their enduring devotion.



I need to complete this story before I fall out of the plot again fuck 😭

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I need to complete this story before I fall out of the plot again fuck 😭

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