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After hearing the shocking news from King Adam, Maisarah's demeanor changes drastically. The spoon slips from her hand immediately. From having an appetite, she loses it when the news hits her ears. Maisarah clenches her fists. She still doesn't understand why Crown Prince Qayyum wants to proceed with the marriage.

"I don't want to."

"Whether you want to or not, you have to, Sarah. Remember what you said a while ago. The Crown Prince has touched you," King Adam responds firmly. Maisarah grits her jaw.

"That was just a fabrication, Father! I don't love the Crown Prince!" Maisarah states the fact. She regrets making that accusation. Now, look at her, being consumed by her own accusation. Urgh!

King Adam's face turns cold. The calm demeanor disappears when Maisarah once again refuses. Huh! Whether Maisarah likes it or not, she has to marry Crown Prince Qayyum so that Maisarah can become the queen. It's not easy to enter the Hakam Royal Family. But King Adam is very pleased that Maisarah is the choice of the Hakam King.

Maisarah's accusation has trapped her within that family. Nevertheless, King Adam can't wait to become the father-in-law of a great leader. Don't waste the opportunity given!

"Huh! Do you think after what you've done, you can just get away with it? I don't care. The Crown Prince must marry you. And you!" King Adam's finger points at Maisarah's startled face. "Must become the Queen of Vhagar! Don't defy your father's words."

Maisarah's brows furrow. She refuses to accept King Adam's words, which clearly show his desperation to have Crown Prince Qayyum as a son-in-law in this family. What's so great about that crown prince? He's just okay, nothing special. Hargh! Maisarah feels like screaming out loud to vent her feelings.

There it is! Making accusations without considering the consequences. Now, deal with it yourself! Want to retract it? Can't. It's already too late.

Maisarah slams the table in frustration. She stares at King Adam, who looks at her fiercely. Maisarah is never afraid of her father's anger. She has grown accustomed to King Adam's scolding or commands. It's all disgusting!

In this world, no one wants to be by her side as a life companion. They all leave without extending a hand of affection. Sometimes, Maisarah feels like she's in prison. That's why Maisarah's character is more abrasive than usual.

Her emotions shouldn't be challenged.

"Fine. If that's what you want, I'll go along with it, but I'll never fall in love with him. Oh, and when I become the Queen of Vhagar, don't come to me as my parents. At that time, I won't recognize King Adam and Queen Ummu." Maisarah says with a cynical expression. She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before standing up.

King Adam and Queen Ummu are on the verge of exploding. How dare Maisarah utter such disrespectful words?! They feel... like they need to teach Maisarah a lesson to make her obedient to them. A child like Maisarah must be taught!

"Oh, one more thing!" Maisarah places both hands on the table and arches her back as she leans forward. She wants to make it crystal clear to her oblivious parents. Maisarah wonders why her parents have to be King Adam and Queen Ummu.

"After I become the wife of the Crown Prince, I won't set foot in this palace again. Well, the future queen must stay with Queen Vhagar to learn to become a great leader and..." Maisarah's bright red lips form a menacing smile. "Wise." Maisarah continues, then laughs sardonically at the end of her statement.

Tuanku Adam and Permaisuri Ummu's patience is being tested.

"Maisarah Az-Zahra!"

"Hm?" Maisarah responds softly, raising an eyebrow. She looks at Permaisuri Ummu with a questioning expression, though mocking glints in her eyes.