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Maisarah pushed her tongue against her molar teeth while pushing her black hair back. Her face truly did not look pleased with Tengku Qayyum's words. Perhaps other women would melt at those words, but not Maisarah. Maisarah had no desire to establish a household or become a queen.

"I don't want any ties between us. I like to be free. Besides, the title of queen is not suitable for me. There are plenty of women out there who desire a prince. Why me? Because I am a woman without manners, who needs guidance to become a better woman? I don't need all of that, Tengku Qayyum!" argued Maisarah angrily in her heart.

Tengku Qayyum merely shook his head with a thin smile. However, he didn't respond at all. Perhaps he enjoyed seeing Maisarah vehemently rejecting the ties that would soon bind them. In truth, Tengku Qayyum had never brought up the issue of marriage in this meeting, but somehow, when he saw Maisarah in front of him, the issue arose.

"I am a proud and arrogant woman. I don't deny that. Everyone says I'm a princess who lacks respect and friendliness, but what do I care? This is my life. I dislike arranged marriages. It's the most pointless thing for me,"

"I don't want to know you, and I don't want anything to do with you at all. I never asked for this meeting!" Maisarah spoke at length, expressing her deep dislike for the meeting.

When Maisarah felt she had expressed herself fully, Tengku Qayyum smiled until it brought about a small laugh. He was actually amused.

Tengku Qayyum tapped his nose and let out a heavy sigh.

"I understand, Your Highness. From your expression, I can tell that you really dislike this meeting, but what can I do? I, on the other hand, enjoy this meeting. I get to see the beautiful face of Princess Raja Carran right in front of me,"

Maisarah stared blankly. None of those words meant anything to her.

"I admit, I am happy to meet you, but there's no harm in giving me the chance to get to know you better, right? I'm interested in getting to know who Crown Princess Maisarah Az-Zahra is. As for marriage matters, we can put them aside. We just need to get acquainted,"

Tengku Qayyum gazed at Maisarah for a long time. Intently. Slowly, Tengku Qayyum's hand lifted her chin. He wanted to look more closely at that cold face. By all the gods, Maisarah had successfully captured his heart in their first meeting.

Despite her stern demeanor, her beauty never faded.

"Why?" Tengku Qayyum asked, with a hint of a small laugh.

"Do you doubt me? Do you think I'm like other men out there? I'm not like that..."

"Stop." Maisarah cut him off. It was enough to hear Tengku Qayyum's words. Please! Her heart didn't falter at all.

Tengku Qayyum raised an eyebrow. He leaned back in his chair again. His legs crossed, and both hands rested on his knees. Tengku Qayyum's smile turned mischievous. "Have you fallen for my words?" he teased Maisarah. It would be good if Maisarah was moved.

Perhaps he could win over the heart of this tiger princess. Why a tiger? Because she was as fierce as a tiger.

Maisarah snorted. "In my dreams would I fall for your words! All those words are stale, Tengku Qayyum. Please don't show that you need me so desperately. I'd rather live with the poor people than with someone like you!"

Tengku Qayyum was impressed. Impressed by Maisarah's defenses. This was what made Tengku Qayyum even more intrigued. The higher Maisarah's walls, the more determined Tengku Qayyum became to cross them.

"Your words hurt me, but I like it. It shows that you're a valuable woman. Do you know how difficult it is for me to find a woman as strong as you? Difficult to tame," said Tengku Qayyum, shaking his head with an expression of admiration. Women like Maisarah were the ones who should be companions.