10.) The Aftermath of the Bloodbath

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TW: Graphic, blood, murder

The man coughed and sputtered up blood trying to catch his breath but the damage was already done. He was squirming under all the ropes he was tied in. Then Jessica stepped forward with a pot of boiling water. I turned away and covered my ears but I could still hear the blood curdling screams of the man as he was being burned by the water.

"KILL ME! YOUR GONNA KILL ME IN FRONT OF YOUR WIFE!" He screamed at Jason as he Jason kept stabbing him in the stomach.

"Bitch don't bring my principessa viziata into this!" Jason yelled back and stabbed him in the throat.

I felt butterflies churning in my stomach as he said that. I knew he liked me but not that much to the point he'd be killing someone and still call me that name. I found it really cute. The man was starting to leave blood stains on the marble floor and I guess that's when Jason decided that was enough because he untied the man and let his body drop to the floor. 

"Don't ever cross me if you love your life."

"Your dismissed." Jason said finally before his men dragged the body out the house. I stood there completely shook and Jason looked at his hands and face that were covered with blood. I just looked at him stunned. "Shit I didn't mean to get so much blood on me." He said before looking over at me. "Crap I didn't know you'd stay." Jason slowly walked towards me and I backed away. He kept moving closer and I found myself pinned against a wall. "I'm sorry you had to see that principessa viziata. I didn't know you'd get so scared." He looked at me with something I'd never seen before. Guilt.

I just turned my face away I didn't wanna see the blood on him. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face back towards him. "Look at me when I talk to you Annalise." I looked at him with fear in my eyes and he let my chin go. "I don't understand why you're scared of me Annalise. I haven't done anything to you yet."

"Well for starters. You lock me up in the room most of the time and when I'm not in the room I have to stay in the house or backyard. I can't have my phone for long periods of time. I haven't seen my dance group in so long and I miss dance. I get threatened by death all the time. Your best friend is back shit crazy. And I just watched you torture and murder a guy. Do I have to make myself any more clear?!" 

Jason didn't even make an expression and just stared at me.

"And another thing you never speak when I make a point or don't make an expression. It's draining Jason."

Jason just stood there and listened to me rant not making one expression at all and I think it drove me to a point of madness.

"Say something you murderer!"

Still no facial response or anything.



Suddenly I found myself pulling Jason closer and kissing him aggressively.

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