~ The one where you make chocolate chip cookies together

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'Wait, you've never made chocolate chip cookies?' you exclaim incredulously, a hint of disbelief in your voice.

'Well, I've baked cookies before, just not chocolate chips,' Jungkook replies, a sheepish grin spreading across his face as he meets your gaze.

With a stick of butter in hand, you watch him, a mixture of surprise and determination in your eyes.

'Well, today I'm going to teach you my secret recipe, one that only I know.'

'So, I'm the only person you've shared your secret recipe with?' Jungkook questions, raising an eyebrow in amusement.

Nodding affirmatively, you reach into the cabinet, pulling out the ingredients one by one. Eggs at room temperature, butter softened just right, these little details make all the difference. Sugar, flour, and of course, the star of the show: chocolate chips, all added to the mix.

'Want to have a taste?' you offer Jungkook a spoonful of the dough.

'Can we eat it before it's baked?' he asks, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

Not wanting to overthink it, you playfully shove a piece of the unbaked cookie dough into his mouth, only to realize your mistake as he becomes enamored with its taste.

'Last one.' he promises, but you can't help but chuckle as he continues to indulge.

'Your 'last bite was eight bites ago...' you tease, shaking your head at his enthusiasm.

'Wait till you taste it baked.'

His eyes widen with anticipation as he passes the bowl back to you.

Both of you roll the dough into perfect balls and spacing them out on the tray just right.

'Twenty minutes till they're baked.'

As the cookies bake in the oven, you both clean up the kitchen together, the silence between you begging to be filled. Washing dishes while Jungkook fills the dishwasher, you work in tandem, a silent understanding passing between you.

'So, what do you want to do?' Jungkook asks, breaking the silence as he closes the dishwasher.

'Pick out a movie?' you suggest, eager to continue the evening's festivities.

With a nod, he follows your lead, grabbing a wine bottle and two wine glasses from the cabinet. Despite the late hour, the night feels young, full of promise.

'What do you want to watch?' he inquires as you settle onto the couch.

'Actually, let's play a game,' you propose, reaching for a game you've been eager to try, but never had the opportunity until now. With just the two of you, it's the perfect chance to finally play.

The game you've chosen is a strategic board game, its box adorned with colorful illustrations and intriguing promises of adventure. You explain the rules to Jungkook as you set up the board, excitement bubbling between you.

'Okay, so the goal is to conquer different territories and amass wealth and resources,' you begin, pointing to the intricately designed map spread out before you.

'We each control a faction and take turns building armies, fortifying our defenses, and expanding our territories.'

Jungkook nods eagerly, his eyes alight with curiosity as he listens intently to your instructions.

'The game is played in rounds,' you continue,

'And each round, we'll have a set number of actions we can take, like recruiting soldiers, gathering resources, or launching attacks on each other's territories.'

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