Chapter 2: Coming to Terms

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It's been a few hours, close to a day since the group known as the Espada and Gin arrived in the strange new world. It was taking a lot of time of getting used to for some. Aaroneiro and Yammy were no longer craving human souls, a few more were getting used to their altered bodies while the rest were trying out their powers.

Szayelaporro was sitting next to Nnoitra who was testing out a small ball of yellow energy as he shot it at the wall. The Arrancar scientist inspected the power as he wrote down in his notes before standing up.

Szayelaporro: Cero, check... Alright, it seems that we are able to still use our basic Hollow abilities. Cero, Bala, Hierro, Sonido and Pesquisa.

Nnoitra: Although it's all seemed limited somehow.

Zommari is seen sitting on a stool in a meditation position as he opened his eye.

Zommari: It truly is an unforseen situation.

Aaroneiro: I know, I haven't had an urge to eat souls since we got here. Not being spirits anymore is hard to adjust to.

Starrk is seen laying down sleeping on a couch with Lilynette fast asleep on top of him, Harribel stood against a wall as she and Barragan stayed silent the longest. Grimmjow walks into the room as Yammy spots him.

Yammy: Where have you been Grimmjow?

Grimmjow: None of your business.... Did Gin get back yet?

Harribel: No, he's still out there. Hope he's able to find something to help us understand this world.

Szayelaporro sets the pad of paper down as he stands up and walks over to the window, smiling as he stares off into the city.

Szayelaporro: I hope so too. From the short experience we had out there, I became invested with the fascinating subjects of this world... In truth, I think that this will be very fruitful.

Grimmjow looks around as he spots something different.

Grimmjow: Hey, where'd Ulquiorra go?

The group all looked around as they noticed that the 4th Espada was in fact gone.

The breeze was blowing softly as the scene changes to show a clean beach that had a clear view of a beautiful horizon.

Along the shoreline, Ulquiorra was standing at the edge of the water as he simply stared at it before looking down to his hand

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Along the shoreline, Ulquiorra was standing at the edge of the water as he simply stared at it before looking down to his hand.

Ulquiorra: 'I could still feel it... That power that was used to end my life. Even after my life had been taken... I can finally understand, what a heart is.'

Ulquiorra slowly placed his hand on his chest as he remembered the last thing he saw before dying, the face of the girl who had made such an impact on his mind and understanding.

Hollow Heroes: The Espada of Class 1A (Bleach/MHA Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now