Chapter 17: Let Sleeping Magic Users Lie

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Holly might be just a bit more injured than she'd let on from the fight against the Black Order

Holly was very good at pretending she wasn't being glared at. She'd had plenty of practice through her 28 years of life. First with the Dursleys, then with Snape, then with Death Eaters and politicians. Which meant the situation she found herself in right then was more familiar than it was strange. There was an American healer working on the terrible stab wound on her side. She was out of her armor wearing a pair of sweatpants (courtesy of Tony) and a sports bra (also strangely enough something Tony had) so that the wound was open for the healer to work on. Her magic had been pretty depleted by the time she'd gotten stabbed and her healing spells might not have taken as well as she had implied to the Avengers.

Hence the glaring.

More specifically the Avengers glaring at her.

Okay so maybe she shouldn't have waited until all of the team and Loki had been seen to before asking if the healer could give her a quick check-up too. Perhaps standing there while one's own blood pooled inside of one's chest plate wasn't the best of plans. She hadn't meant to worry any of them! Really the healer could have sealed up the wound in a snap but no, they'd insisted on checking over everything.

Apparently, the healer was aghast that not only had that spear torn through her side and ruptured a few key organs, she'd also cracked a few ribs, gotten a concussion, and had a very nasty case of magical exhaustion. The bones in her right hand were also pretty beat up from her punching that ugly elf alien in the face. There was also the deep cut on her cheek that had been caused by something resistant to magic meaning that it had to be taped shut.

The healer listed out all of her injuries for the Avengers to hear, growing more distressed and upset as they went.

"I don't think I've ever seen anyone act so recklessly with their magic before! A transfiguration spell that large on top of a fully corporeal fiendfyre spell! It's lucky you didn't kill yourself."

She rolled her eyes. Honestly that was a bit of an over-exaggeration. She tried to make eye contact with Thor to show how ridiculous the healer was being but Thor's frown only grew more pronounced. Killjoy.

"Lady Potter are you even listening to me?"

"What? Yes of course. You were saying I was reckless right?"

"If you could attempt to take this seriously." The healer whose name she had forgotten already asked. "I would really appreciate it."



"Healer Reed." Holly said. "Sorry your name slipped out of my head, magical exhaustion and all that. Can't you just give me a potion or two and let me be on my way? There's really no need to make a fuss over me, Loki was far closer to death than I was."

Loki had been very close to death all things considered what with that nasty spear thing in his chest. She'd insisted the healers see to him first after she'd used up most of her remaining magic keeping him from kicking the bucket back in Central Park. Loki had been installed in the medical bay in a private room. Steve had asked Holly to put some wards up on that private room two weeks earlier that would keep anyone from teleporting in or out. It was supposed to be for protection but now it would act as a prison, keeping Loki inside until they knew what to do with him.

"I would give you potions but with the amount of magic you've got in your system at the moment they won't do you much good. You'll just have to heal up the old fashioned way, three days of rest and then I can prescribe you the proper potions."

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now