Chapter 15: God of Thunder, Fertility, and Knitting

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Holly wakes up from a terrible nightmare and gets some advice and help from the wisest avenger.

Holly Potter come to die.


Kill the Spare!

Holly sat straight up in her bed so quickly that she nearly apparated herself across the room. The wand she kept under her pillow was in her hand pointing at nothing at all while the flashing of spells long since cast filled her mind. Her chest was heaving like she'd run a marathon and she'd sweat clean through her shirt. Holly's entire body felt like it was shaking but the hand holding her wand was entirely too steady.

Holly took in huge gasping breaths, lungfuls of air that felt too hot going into her body. To her left the small reading lamp she'd left on by accident exploded in a shower of glass and sparks. She flinched bringing up an arm to cover her face. It took upwards of fifteen minutes to get her breathing under control and when it finally happened she collapsed back into her bed, weakened beyond all belief. She felt cold and clammy.

Carefully she loosened her vice like grip on her wand and rubbed at the tension in her hand. Her eyes slid over to the clock.


The mechanical clock had survived many many nights like this. Unlike the poor lamps she destroyed. She waved a hand and all of the glass debris was banished to the trash can. She didn't dare turn on anything in her apartment not until she was much calmer. She cast a few lumos spells to give light to her room.

It seemed at some point in the nightmare she must have decided that her blanket was the enemy. Not only had it been kicked off, but her magic had shredded it. There were scraps of fabric and cotton stuffing spread out everywhere like a bomb had gone off with her bed as the epicenter. Some of the fabric was scorched while others just look like it had lost a fight with a demented pair of scissors.

Her magic had also in her fright overturned most of the furniture she had in the bedroom, including her desk, chair, and drawers. Only the nightstand had survived that because Holly had had the foresight to nail that to the floor. The walls of her bedroom had holes in them as well as burn marks from wayward spells. She made a pained noise as she considered the mess she'd made. All over a silly nightmare.

She knew it wasn't fair to call it silly. She'd just dreamt about the greatest magical villain that the wizarding world had ever produced. She had every right to be scared.

Even if the tosser had been dead for over a decade now. She was coming up on the 11th anniversary of the final battle and her sleep was always fractious during the month leading up to it and the month after. No matter what she did. This was also the first time she'd been away from her friends when the anniversary came around. She couldn't tell if that had made the dreams worse or not.

Almost as if to highlight how odd her dreams had been as a teenager her nightmares now never made much cohesive sense. She just saw scenes of battle, things she'd lived and things she hadn't. Sometimes she'd get glimpse of loved ones dying in real or imagined scenarios but for the most part her dreams were just flashing lights, explosions and terrible laughter. It annoyed her friends far more than it annoyed her. After all it was impossible to talk about a bad dream when there was nothing of substance to talk about.

She laid in her bed, the sweat drying sticky and awful on her body, and tried to shake the leftover terror. Her thoughts were broken up by the sound of buzzing. She blinked and looked around to see the bracelet Jarvis had gifted her with was doing its level best to be heard. Jarvis had made a few adjustments to the gift over the past few weeks and one of those was that if it was removed from her body that Jarvis would immediately try to contact her. If he couldn't get in contact with her within fifteen minutes he'd send in the Calvary.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now