Chapter 14: What do a Robot and a Broomstick have in Common?

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Tony takes Holly out into the country to teach her how to drive a car. It's a skill everyone should have and it's not like it's all that difficult to learn. Right?

"I still don't understand why exactly we're doing this." Holly said, her arms folded over her chest. She was pouting, like a little girl. Or like Thor now that Tony thought about it. Both of them did the same exact lip tremble.

"Come on, Glinda." Tony grinned at the woman in the driver's seat. "We've been working on the magic-tech problem for hours today. It's time for a break before we blow ourselves up by accident."

"But why do we have to take that break in a car?" She glared at the wheel in front of her.

"Don't tell me you're scared."

"Tony, I don't know how to drive, and this car must have cost a fortune."

"Oh, it did, but don't worry about that, I have like three fortunes in my back pocket just in case." Tony said. "And it's simple. Just put the car into reverse."

"How?" She really needed to get a better attitude. There was nothing more enjoyable than driving an expensive sports car.

"Have you honestly never driven a car before?" Tony asked. Holly shook her head. "Okay fine. that there and then pull that and..."

Tony mostly spoke with his hands and thankfully Holly was used to that. She followed his directions on how to turn on the million dollar car and pulled it into reverse. Tony had taken her out of the city and to some empty countryside where he had some of his nicer cars stored in a secure warehouse. All in the name of taking a break. For the past however many weeks they'd been trying to do this, Tony had slaved over different tech designs that Holly would then cast magic at and break. He'd started to feel a bit manic now at the consistent failures. Which was probably the only reason Holly had agreed to this driving lesson in the first place.

Her knuckles were white on the leather covering of the wheel as she tried to navigate out of the parking space and towards the exit of the warehouse. The entire time Tony kept up a monologue in her ear about taking it nice and easy and staying calm and that she was doing just fine. He saw her get more and more frustrated and he could almost hear her internal monologue.

Do not hex Iron Man. Do Not Hex Iron Man. DO NOT HEX IRON MAN.

"Tony maybe you could quiet down for a moment?" She asked before she broke and hit him and before Tony broke into laughter at her annoyance. "Trying to concentrate here."

"Right." He said. "Sorry, just maybe doN'T RUN INTO THAT WALL!"

She slammed onto the breaks and stopped mere centimeters from the wall she'd almost accidentally backed into.

"Maybe try going forward now?"

"Shut up Tony." She said as she carefully shifted into the next gear. Of course, when she did that the car died. She growled and tried again. And again. And again. "Why is this so complicated?"

Tony didn't think he'd seen anyone struggle that much to get a car into first gear before. He explained the process again but didn't get any real results. It wasn't complicated, she just had to press one pedal down a certain amount while shifting the gear stick.

"It's really not that bad."

"Says you." She snarled finally managing to get the stupid vehicle into 1st gear. She pressed forward turning the wheel and pointing the car as best she could towards the exit. Tony started praising and correcting her again in an almost incomprehensible manner. Once she got out of the exit and onto the dirt road she tried to shift into the next gear.

Holly Potter and the Midlife Crisis (Hp x Mcu) by EnigmarisWhere stories live. Discover now