Chapter 27: Thundershowers

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(AN: Cool that we're at 1k votes, glad you're all enjoying this story, means a lot. Sidenote, Shinx, Luxio and Luxray are going to be Electric/Dark duel types in this story, I'm writing it so what I say goes!)


[Somewhere Within The Forests Of Route 203...]

"I'LL BURN DOWN THIS ENTIRE FOREST IF IT MEANS GETTIN' MY REVENGE!" [Y/N] roared out aloud, and his voice carried off long into the night for miles around. He raced past trees and over exposed roots and brambles, without any care for the nettles and the thorns, throwing them off as if he were invincible. A little pain didn't mean much compared to the unbridled damage done to his pride and ego. This was not something he could let go lightly, even if the small thing was starving. His eyes peered through the darkness, and up ahead, he could scarcely make out the small Shinx's yellow star-like tail wagging back and forth in the darkness, static sparks excitedly dancing off in sudden bursts...

The Shinx seemed to enjoy teasing the trainer at first, throwing subtle glances back every now and then to check that it was still being chased. That didn't necessarily mean it wanted to be followed, rather, after it had realised that its pursuer wasn't simply going to give up and allow it to leave with stolen goods, there wasn't much time left to mess around. Suddenly, its movements grew more random and sporadic, making quick turns and zig-zagging, trying to escape the trainer in any way possible. Nothing seemed to deter [Y/N] however, nothing could stop him now, not with his food having been stolen. A fierce fire burnt behind his eyes, a fire that would never die out until his food was returned, and justice was served! He didn't even really care about eating at this point, it was more about the principle of having a man's meal taken from him right out under his nose! And he had been so kind to the Shinx, offering to give it food for free! No! It had to go and spit in his face, making a mockery of his kindness!

That was a mistake it wouldn't soon forget...

Turtwig and Piplup were having some trouble, their small legs made it hard to keep up, and once more the water-type had fallen, and was being carried upon the turtle's back through the underbrush, some endurance training at least. Chimchar and Starly didn't have such weaknesses, and while one swung from branch to branch, the other dashed under low-hanging branches with their wings extended out wide. They were a fearsome hunting party, and under any other circumstance, from a stranger's perspective, they very well would've been confused for criminals.

"H-Hey, stop! I-I mean it!" [Y/N] shouted, losing his breath, he wouldn't be able to keep running for too much longer, but he had to push himself to the absolute limit. "Shinx!" The small electric-type called out, looking back at the five pursuers with a gleeful look, the bowl still firmly wedged in between its teeth, the stew sloshing around, though it was clear that not much of the stuff was left still. It seemed to laugh back at them not noticing the fact, and continued dashing through the woods. However, there was a problem for the small Pokémon.

It could run as fast as it wanted too, but it didn't seem to matter. This person refused to stop, and that was bad. It couldn't let anyone, never mind a human, near the den, even if it was all fun for the moment. Making sure it lost them was the only option Shinx had left now, and before long it conjured up an easy way to throw them off the trail, one that would surely end this chase once and for all...

[Y/N] bit his teeth together, as the Shinx struck out, making a hard-turn to the right, darting underneath the underbrush. "D-Don't even think about it!" He shouted, pushing through dirt and mud alike. They ran for a few minutes straight, letting nature itself whittle down their endurance, and the weather certainly wasn't going to get any better. A bolt of lightning crashed down through the sky, lighting up the entire black night for only a partial moment, before returning to an inky void. The wind rose with a heavy roar, grasping and clutching at every branch and leaf it could, and a vicious downpour unloaded upon the vast forest, making it all the more treacherous to traverse.

- Vagabond - Male Reader x PokémonWhere stories live. Discover now