Chapter 24: We'll Meet Again

Start from the beginning

[Y/N] only needed to hear the first part, that Sycamore would help him train. That was already enough to sell himself. "Deal, why are we waitin' around already!"

Sycamore smiled a wide smile and laughed. "Incredible! Now I'll be able to meet with Rowan in no-time!" He said, not realising he was speaking aloud, earning a stern face from [Y/N]. "I can literally hear you, we are standing right next to each other." The two stood awkwardly for a moment. The researcher coughed into his hand. "There is one other reason, though that reason is something I alone can not achieve..."

"Team Rocket. They took Bonzo, they killed him in cold blood, and they've gotten away with it too! That, I simply cannot accept. And, I am sure that you feel the same way, non?" Sycamore threw him a serious expression, making a sudden departure from their light banter.

[Y/N] squinted, thinking back to when he first heard the news about their clown friend. He hadn't entirely registered the fact that he was dead at first, it seemed such a foreign concept, that it was even impossible to a certain extent, but death was just as real as in any other world...

He had Rowan's confidence, to become strong enough that evil criminals wouldn't hurt the people of Sinnoh any longer, and right before him he had seen their true face, brutes and murderers. The Hunters, they were bad, but Team Rocket had shot up on his shit-list all the way to number one. It was a simmering rage, one he was holding back, but a rage that burnt nonetheless. "Yeah. I want to get even, for Bonzo."

[Y/N] looked back at Sycamore, the two holding a stern look. "Good, then we are at agreement then." And, he reached out his arm, offering an open hand. "Wherever those villainous Team Rocket dogs hide, there will be no safe place for them, for Bonzo." What more was there for him to say, and his hand was accepted, the young trainer shaking back...

It was a promise, promises on top of promises.

"Now we have even more reason to mould you into Sinnoh's greatest trainer. That is my vow to you, [Y/N]. Together, we will reach unreachable heights, and Team Rocket won't know what hit them!"


[Pokémon Association, Lily of the Valley Island...]

Rowan had been assigned a car that took him towards the Pokémon Association's headquarters, the large, foreboding castle that loomed over the entire island. It was deemed a safety hazard for the Champion to go without protection. He took that as an insult, did they not think him competent enough to handle himself? He was no child, and yet that was how it felt like he was being treated, a puppet the Association strung up every time a press conference was needed. It was made an easier decision when he realised who his security would be...

"Long time no see, huh Rowan?" It was the same scruffy blonde hair that he remembered. "Palmer, I'm glad to see a familiar face." Rowan moved into the vehicle, sitting down next to the Elite Four member. He flashed the Champion a small smirk. "As am I. It's been chaos up here the last few days. Chairman's losing hair quickly, what with the incident in Jubilife and all." It was concerning what was happening in their home region, but especially so given the large-scale conflict that had broken out in the island's largest city. A descent into barbarism Rowan hadn't seen since his younger years when anarchy ruled the land and strength was the only deciding factor.

Had things changed all that much since those days? Perhaps they hadn't but time would tell...

They sped down a long high-way, no real traffic at all, which was strange given what a vibrant tourist destination the island was. "People are scared, too afraid to even come out their houses." Rowan noted, looking out the window. There were only a few people who walked past, but they kept to themselves. Palmer nodded. "The Association's put out a regional warning, sayin' that there's a high risk of another attack in the next week, and for people to be careful." He added. The castle poked up high above the mountain, catching the Champion's eye.

- Vagabond - Male Reader x PokémonWhere stories live. Discover now