Chapter 10 - Eternal Sorrows that bring Winter Shackles

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"Interesting, isn't it?" the mysterious figure spoke as it finally landed on the floor of the bubble. "This bubble is on the shackles of being torn apart in your fight, and yet you two don't even have a single iota of the damage you would be causing had this bubble shattered in the wake of the purest forms. Never underestimate the power of divinity that was bestowed upon you. It is one of the most beautiful and scary things that "Gods" have to offer us."

"GODS??? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO THESE GODS MIGHT EVEN BE. LISTEN, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO YOU ARE OR HOW YOU CAME HERE. HOWEVER, ALL I CAN SEE IN THIS END... IS... YOUR... FLESH... TORN" the enraged Queen of the Underworld arose from her throne and weaved her hands to fashion them into a simple three fingered pointer, aimed now towards the newcomer.

"huh, you don't even know the name I go by. That's so strange. I felt that I would be at least popular in the inner circles. I guess that you wouldn't have heard the term Darkness?" replied this ominous figure.

Inner circles are pseudo humans who are working towards with information that is restricted and highly classified, typically ranging between eight to ten members. Out of these eight individuals, Gil was always one of them. Therefore, when he saw this strange figure, he wanted to stay on guard. Very few individuals even possessed capabilities of ending another servant's life.

The reason for the end of the previous generation of Pseudo-Humans, was the constant conflicts and petty, immature fights that would take place between these individuals, usually in the form of a power struggle. Very few of the previous generation remain, in fact up until this point in the story, only Nanami, Allastor and Wellester are the only ones who are from the previous generation. Rest all avatars and servants are born and sacrificed something to earn their title.

What is a sacrifice and why is it necessary?

Why are people desperate to know the truth of the world?

Why was there a need for a narrator?

Why is the writer the final command for this story?

What exactly is destiny?

What exactly is truth?

What exactly is a God?

What exactly is an Angel?

What exactly is a Devil?

What exactly is a Demon?

What exactly are the Petals?

"Kore, I wouldn't recommend doing anything rash at this point. The aura that is emitted from this certain individual seems to be off the normal scales. It doesn't seem to be someone that one can easily handle by themselves. Isn't that right, Servant?" Gil told the infuriated Servant of Persephone. "Charging into a battle without any predetermined thought would ultimately lead to our demise, as this individual seems to have done immaculate research on us."

"The Garden has taught you well, Servant of Anubis. It seems as though your position as a leader of the servants seems to be working well. A leader amongst leaders. So many people report to you, don't they. It must be tough, to constantly manage and handle useless skirmishes. Such arguments would ultimately be against our entire principle of understanding the truth of the world. Therefore, let me ask this question. How much do you know about the 'Truth'?" the mysterious figure questioned the two individuals. He sat down, knowing that he would likely not be attacked for the time being.

The Servant of Kore didn't have any limits of self-control or any form restraints left within her mental space. "You've got to be screwing with me. Quit fooling around and pay attention to the state we are in now. I don't know how you managed to get into this space but I certainly do know that you are not getting out, for interrupting a fight between me and the one I want to love is punishable by pure torture itself. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE, PEASANT? I AM A QUEEN. THE DAMNED QUEEN OF THE UNDERWORLD. My name in this vessel is Sakurai. There, I introduced myself, and therefore, let me hear the name of the servant of the god you possess as well as the name of the god. Let this be known to all the individuals in this bubble. Until we manage to find a way to get out, I feel like we are going to completely lose ourselves. I have already lost my mind. I AM CHAOS. EVEN CHAOS WON'T BE ABLE TO DEFINE THE STUFF I AM ABOUT TO DO. THEREFORE TELL ME. What is your na-"

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