"Do you love me?" She asked.

"I think so." I murmured.


"I do. I've never loved someone though."

"That's alright."

Silence ensued.

"I'm gonna go clean-"

"Don't hang up."

"Why not? You're not speaking and you have stuff to do."

"What if I lied to you about that?"

"You didn't. You're literally standing against a street lamp. I'm not an idiot. You can't lie to me so don't joke like that." She said her mood suddenly changed, now agitated.

I smirked.

"Wipe that stupid smile off your face Zayan. Or I'll do it for you." She hung up and I stared at my phone.

I looked around for the camera she could be watching from.

I called twice and her phone went straight to voicemail.

I called Oswald.


"I pissed her off. Before I die I'm gonna go do some damage control."

"Have a blast. If we come up with any idea we can let you know unless your throat is slit. Then we'll do it ourselves."

"Thanks." I laughed before I hung up.


I came inside and she was putting away dishes.


"Back so soon?" She asked but had no actual tone to the question.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to frustrate you. I wouldn't lie to you about where I am. I know you know better than that." I came behind her, placing my hands on her hips, moving them down to touch her soft skin.

"Stop." She nudged me away.

I backed up.

I watched her grab more dishes, putting the plates away.

"Mel. I won't joke like that again."

"Would you fuck another woman behind my back?" She asked, turning, hand on the counter, genuinely curious.

"No. That's a ridiculous question." I scoffed.

"I know you. I know who you are, every woman and man you've interacted with. You cheated on your last girlfriend."

"When I was young. Over 4 years ago and I regret it! I would never do that again." I frowned.

"If I ever catch you fucking with me, skinning you alive is the least that will happen. And I assume you're fully aware I am capable of that and not joking." She said coldly, eyes solid as she kept my own gaze in a chokehold.

She walked toward me, her chest only covered by the fabric of her tank top grazing mine.

Although I was larger, I felt small mentally. I felt myself slipping into a position beneath her.

"And if you ever make that joke, I will lock you away and throw away the key. I'm unsure i'd even let you be near me." She reached up, smoothing my hair before dragging her finger along my jawline.

"Is that understood?" She whispered.

"Yes." I studied her face.

"Good boy." She leaned up, kissing my cheek.

My hand reached out and she slapped it off her.

"Don't do that."

"Hase, please. I understand-"

"Calm down. I know you understand. I'm just cleaning." She turned from me.

I studied her backside in those shorts.



"Why won't you let me touch you?" I swallowed the small ounce of anxiety working its way up my body into my mind.

"I'm cleaning, love. Go back to your band or something." She continued the dishes.

"You're lying to me."

"Not really. I just don't want to be grabbed on right now."

"You're punishing me."

"That's another way of saying it."

I ground my teeth together as I grabbed my keys and left.

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