
They're my parents afterall.

"... I feel like I made this all depressing for no reason-"

"It's fine- Though, on a lighter note, how come all the food there was delicious-?!"

"What- you were complaining about it being too spicy for you."

"Well yeah- but it still tasted good! Seriously what's in all that stuff?"

"Uhh... Well it depends- how much did you eat-?"

"... A lot."

K.C. shows Earth the bag which the person gave him, which has a variety of different treats.

"These are all bread or desserts."


"I'm gald you liked it but- did you not try anything else?"

"... I was just eating what they gave me ok-?"

Earth chuckles.

"Well, I'm gonna go change out of those clothes before they get too dirty-"
Earth stands up, and goes down to lower deck.

My parents will remember me...

... I wonder how old they are now- what if... They.... Died- and I never get to meet them...

I was such a stupid kid.

Why would I just leave one day.

Cause that's what happened.

I ran away.

I think...

You'know what- not worth taking the time to think about that- I think I saw a circus a couple days ago- I wonder if it's still up-
Well, we're already on the way towards it-

Solar's perspective:

Solar sits in Ruin's grasp, the two cuddling in Solar's room.


"Yeah Ruin-?"

"I love you..."

Solar feels as his heart skips a beat, Ruin placing a kiss on his shoulder.

"I love you to Ruin- um- heh- um- are you trying to continue our- sexual time from a couple days ago-?"

"I'f you'd like to sure- though I am just enjoying... This right now... You look so... Cute..."

Ruin speaks softly, the two, had been running around eailer and Ruin was tired.

"I- I think you'd fall asleep before we would be able to finish-"

Solar chuckles, still having lots of energy.
Ruin yawns, pulling Solar more into their cuddle embrace.

Awh- that was so adorable- wait-

"Ruin are you still awake-?"
Ruin gives out soft breathes, their body now pushing down on Solar, Ruin had fallen asleep.

Eh not the worst way to be stuck in place-

Lunar's perspective:

Lunar, Sun, Moon and Gemini sit at the table.
Theres a couple small objects on the table, Mostly collected while they were off and walking around earlier, it's a mix of rocks, sticks, and a small toy turtle.

"How'd you get a turtle-?! Not fair."
Lunar acrosses his arms, Sun chuckling.

"You can't even see!"
Lunar points at Sun dramatically.

"I'm just better!"
Sun smiles widely, Lunar sitting back down in his chair annoyed.

Gemini plays with a sea shell in their hands.
"Um... Lunar- you can have this-"

Gemini semi awkwardly hands the shell over to Lunar, who lights up, the shell being a spiral upwards in a dark black color.

"Woah-! Thank you so much Gemini!"
Lunar starts complimenting the hell out of the shell, and Gemini, Gemini quickly growing more red in blush.

"Well aren't you two just so cute."
A somewhat annoyed Moon plays around with two sticks.

Gemini freezes up a bit.


Lunar hops off his chair and starts hitting Moon, who quickly gets up and the two start running and around the table, rocking it a fair bit, Sun clasping onto the table in fear of falling, Gemini doing the same.




Gemini is overtaken by a wave of flustered-ness.
"Well- I um- um- hah- yeah kind of- um- well- I-"

... Wait did they just say yes-?!
Lunar suddenly stops running after Moon, and looks over to Gemini.

Moon also stops running, tripping over himself and falling face first, causing Sun to flitch and fall out of his chair.



Lunar just looks over at Gemini, who looks back and forth towards and away from Lunar, eventually just holding their head and running to upper deck a flustered mess.

W-What was that about- does Gemini actually like me-?

Well- um- I like them- why didn't they say anything sooner- well I guess I never said anything but-


WHY CAN'T LOVE- is it love-?

No yeah definitely love-


.... They probably just miss spoke-

... Or maybe they didn't- should I go up there-?

What if they don't wanna talk to me- I can just wait in the room- Monty's in there-

Monty might be able to help-
Lunar runs into his, Gemini's, Monty's and Earth's room, though having gained a brightly blushed face.

This chapter is probably my least favorite so far TvT its all over the place- BUT HEY- I KNOW WHAT I'M WRITING AFTER THIS!!

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