☆CHAPTER 2|| The monochrome kingdom

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"You have no idea how hard I worked for this position.. this is My day, and I refuse to let a mere servant tear me down." They spat- Looking down at silverspoon. They couldn't lose their temper too fast. The mans' brows would furrow slightly, before he'd regain his composure, Tearing his gaze away from paintbrushes' whilst they snatch the sword. A wave of calm' fell over paintbrush as they finally held the sword in their grasp- Feeling fulfilled after all this time.

A voice called, casuing paintbrush to turn. There, they saw one of their close friends, lightbulb, rushing towards them. They held their arms out momentarily to prevent any collision, catching her by the forearms. Before they could speak; lightbulb pulled them into a warm embrace, squeezing tightly.

"Gosh, paintbrush, you've come such a long way already! How about we celebrate, at my bakery? Test tube and fan will be there!"
The girl chirped, with an eager grin on her face.
"Jeez, I'd love to but.." They paused, glancing at yin.
"-Yin and I have some..well..things to go over. Hey, I'll make it up to you tomorrow, promise!"

Her smile falters for a bit, but she understood.
"Right, I just -..im proud of ya', painty."

Paintbrush offered a smile before turning back towards yin, who was waiting for them beside a post'.

He asked, beaming with joy.
They'd nod.

The two walked down the pavement, shoes clanking against the hardened cement. Each word spoken by Yin was captured by paintbrush; curious to learn more about their requirements and duties..
"Hold up..!"
Paintbrush warned, as Yin walked ahead of him. He began walking backwards, snickering.

"Sorry, sorry! It's just.. im so glad you've make it! You have been my friend for years, paintbrush. and now look at you!"

"...That means alot coming from you, prince."
Paintbrush gave a firm smile.
"Again, Enough with the formalities, paintbrush.."
Said Yin-

Due to the fact that yin Never reinforced respect or gratitude from others, he was widely loved and cherished by the entire kingdom, some would call him the best prince there is due to his laid back, paitent, And gentle being.
As they strolled through the village, laughter filled the air, and soon enough, they approached a small ditch, with a puddle of water within it. Before paintbrush could warn the prince, Yin came to a sudden hault, causing a collision with another villager. They both yelped as they rolled into the ditch. Yin groaned, his clothing soaked.

"O-oh, Jeez, im sorry

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"O-oh, Jeez, im sorry."

Yin said, looking over at the stranger. He had a rough appearance, with a menacing glare.. Yins eyes widened as the man stared back, no greeting, sorry, or even a nod of acknowledgement.

"Watch it.."
He croaked; sitting up and groaning as he felt a sudden tug on his chain, falling forward. The man grunted..

"Woah, woah.."
Yin shouted, whilst paintbrush helped him out of the ditch.

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