Chapter Four: The Back Room and My First Demon.

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I woke up to Cindy screaming, causing Molly and I to run into the hallway as she was slamming the bathroom door closed, giving me an accusing look.
I could hear the shower running and steam filtered out under the door.
"You have cutie-cheek-kisser in our bathroom and didn't think to warn me!" She hissed in a whisper, gesturing wildly. "I'm so mad and so proud right now!"
I held my hands up, trying to shut her up, hearing the shower stop.
"Shut up, I wasn't expecting you until this afternoon. It just happened, it's nothing. Now, again, shut up!" I hissed as the door swung open and Grayson stepped out with my towel around his waist.
I gawked at the godly body he had, reminding me of the Greek statues we had at the museum.
"Uh, you have my shirt." He said after looking between Cindy and I still pointing at each other.
I dropped my hands and turned back into my bedroom, Grayson stopped beside Cindy who was holding out her hand.
"Hi, I'm Cindy, Penny's cousin." She introduced, I could hear the smile on her face.
Shit-eating-grin is what my dad would have called it.
"Hi, I'm Grayson, Penelope's boyfriend." He smiled back shaking her hand, making me stare at him with wide eyes and my mouth open, hidden behind the door frame so Cindy didn't see.
"Yes, I've heard all about you." I heard her tease. "Didn't know it was official." She peeked around the corner at me, make me relax my face and force a quick smile.
Grayson stepped into the room while Cindy mouthed obscene things behind his back, making me slam the door closed on her and Molly.
I felt bad for Molly.
I started to unbutton Grayson's shirt, his hand reaching up and covering mine to take the job.
I let my hands flop beside me.
"Yeah, sure, I'm your girlfriend. May as well undress me too." I sighed.
He stopped in his movement and watched me, his eyes filled with concern as his brows dipped.
"Should I have not said anything to your cousin?" He asked, I moved his hands out the way and finished undressing, handing him the shirt.
"It's not that, it's just, if we're going to be doing this charade, it'd be nice to know." I threw my hands up, frustrated and sat on the edge of the bed.
"I didn't think we were doing a charade." He said honestly. "Other than assigning Ben as your driver, everything I've done has been because of my like for you."
I shut up for a second, hearing his words.
"I-I think I rationalised it as a cover for our sudden closeness due to the hoard nearby."
Grayson stayed quiet for a bit, dressing before he crouched in front of me and tilted my head up to meet his eyes.
"It's not a cover, Penelope. Not if you don't want it to be." He whispered, his eyes going to my lips for a moment. "It can stop at any time, but I just wanted to be close to you." He leaned in and kissed me, throwing all reasoning out the window as I kissed him back.
"Why?" I asked when he pulled away, gasping for air. "Why do you want to be close to me?" He considered his answer for a moment, his thumbs rubbing my cheek sweetly.
"I don't know. You just, intrigue me. Something about you makes me not want to leave you, like a call I can't ignore." He finally shrugged.
I gave a steadying breath, my heart pounding at his words.
I grabbed his wrist and smiled.
"Fine, we can try this dating thing, but that means you buy breakfast." He smiled at me and slapped my ass as I went to the walk in, making me giggle and lock the door quickly behind me.
He growled playfully on the other side of it.
"I'll just go ask Cindy what you've said about me." He teased, his footsteps receding.
I panicked, knowing Cindy would tell him just to torture me.
I dressed quickly in a long sleeve dress that buttoned down the front and a wrapped scarf, jogging down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Cindy leaned against one side of the island while Grayson sat on of the bar stools, eating a bowl of cereal smiling.
"Cutie-cheek-kisser, huh? That's a new one." He smiled cheekily at me, making me blush.
"See, bully." I muttered going to the fridge to find my yoghurt.
"Hey, no, you said I had to buy you breakfast." Grayson clicked his tongue at me. I pointed at his half eaten cereal.
"Why have you got food then?"
"Because I don't need two bacon and egg sandwiches and four hashbrown to keep me happy." He smiled. I almost asked how he knew my Patty's Saturday order, but stopped myself incase it had something to do with Slayers.
I resolved to roll my eyes and cross my arms, waiting impatiently.
He finished his bowl and waved to Cindy as we went through the back door.
I checked the chickens and ducked across to open the barn, checking on the two horses and four cows we still owned.
Seeing they were good and sorted, I swapped my destroyed winter boots for soft, clean ones and met Grayson at a small red Mercedes.
He threw the keys at me, they were the ones from the gift bag he gave me.
"When did you.." I trailed off, realising he was also wearing a completely different sweater and pants to this morning, meaning he'd left at some point and come back.
I shook my head and unlocked the car, climbing into the driver's seat and feeling it warm up when I turned the engine on.
Grayson climbed in next to me, adjusting the seat for his long legs.
I pulled out, enjoying the smoothness of the drive compared to the old Jeep and headed for Patty's.
"Mind if we take a drive to the museum? I have to see Dr. Hyde for a second." He asked as we pulled into the carpark, I nodded and shut off the car, going to get out when he stopped me.
"It's raining. I'll run in, you stay here." He said, getting out of the car before I could protest it was barely spitting.
I learnt back in the warm car seat, checking my messages from Cindy.
That boy is cuuuuuute. Xx go big cousin X
Is he coming back tonight? I'll make sure to leave after 6. Xx
Does he have a younger brother? Or maybe a friend? Xx texxxxt me!!!
I rolled my eyes and sent her a simple
Shut up. Love you xx text before locking my phone and looking into the diner to see Grayson jogging across the carpark.
I opened the door for him and took the tray of drinks he held.
"Thanks, I ordered beforehand to make it quick." He said, shaking the minor water from his head.
We positioned all the food and drinks securely before I took off, glad the car didn't rock back and forth violently when you started it, like the Jeep did.
We drove quietly across town, using one of the empty external HR parking bays near the museum stairs. Grayson took the drinks while I took the food and used his ID card to swipe into the side door of the building, bringing us out beside the elevators.
We rode down, making quiet jokes about Dr. Hyde and his forgetfulness.
We walked down the Basement hallway and I found an young girl behind my desk, playing on her phone.
"Hi, is Dr Hyde here?" I smiled at the girl, she looked about Cindy's age with shirt blonde hair and big blue eyes. She startled at my greeting, straightening and looking up at me surprised, but saw Grayson behind me and smiled.
"He's in the back room." She said to Grayson before looking at me with a slight frown. "Who are you?"
I wanted to smack her for the tone, but bit back my anger and smiled sweetly as I placed the bags of food on the table and pressed the intercom button.
"Valerie? Don't use the com system! I've already told you!" Dr. Hyde snapped over the com.
I gave a soft giggle, making him fall quiet.
"Grayson and I thought you'd like some breakfast, Dr. Hyde." I said, smiling at the girl, Valerie.
She glared at me and moved out of my office to stand beside Grayson who handed her a labled coffee cup, she smiled sinfully at him, putting her hand on his chest and winking.
He ignored her, handing me a cup.
It took me a moment to read the name he'd had written on it.
I looked up, glaring at him.
"How did you?" I asked him through my teeth.
He smiled, innocently as always. "Cindy mentioned it was your childhood nickname." He stepped towards me, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me into him.
He bent down to whisper in my ear.
"I told you I'd get you back for the GrayMan thing." He chuckled, kissing my cheek.
I blazed with embarassment as Dr. Hyde came out with a young man behind him, I stepped away from Grayson.
Eagerly, Dr. Hyde took the food and coffee we'd brought, he turned to speak quietly to Grayson while his assistant stepped towards me.
He was tall and skinny, his brown hair was too long and he'd forgotten to take his protective glasses and gloves off.
"I'm Reed, Dr. Hyde's assistant from CalMed." He held out a hand for me, I shook it, hoping he'd realise the glove.
He didn't, sipping his coffee with a smile.
CalMed, Callaway Medical, was the largest medical and pharmaceutical education facility in the country, an hour out of town from Carson City where we lived. It was filled with geniuses and next-generation medical advancements.
It was impressive for a kid who looked 16.
"I'm Penelope, Dr. Hyde's assistance during the week." I smiled at him.
He took a look around the large room, his eyes widening as he pointed between me and the shelves.
"You're the one who organised all this?" He asked, his mouth agap.
I nodded, holding out a simple breakfast sandwich that said Ass. on it.
He read the name and handed it to Valerie with a shy look.
I read the next sandwich, seeing Reed written across it.
I stifled a laugh, handing him the correct food and taking a seat at my desk, glaring slight at Valerie as she cozied up to Grayson and listened to the conversation he had.
I watched as he stood with his arms crossed, avoiding her touch with a stern face, only relaxing when he answered Dr. Hyde.
He looked at me for a moment, catching me staring making me blush and he smirked, Dr. Hyde turned to me with a smile.
"Ah, Penny, thanks for Alison! She's also lovely!" He rambled for a few minutes about Alison helping him this morning, praising me again for my help.
I just ignored it and checked the log systems, seeing everything was in order.
Only zoning back in when I thought he was done.
Grayson was speaking now though, causing me to look away from the computer to him.
"I think Penelope has earned the right to see the back room." He put his hands in his pockets and Dr. Hyde made a noise like he wanted to protest, Grayson gave him a steady look that silenced him and he nodded.
"Okay, fine." He said after a moment, turning on his heels and heading for the backroom.
Valerie opened her mouth to protest something when Grayson held out his hand for me, I took it, watching her mouth snap shut as he led me towards the room with Reed behind us.
Dr. Hyde opened the door, pushing open to the room I remembered from my first day, only this time his bench wasn't filled with an artifact.
It was a dead body.
The door closed behind me and I jumped, looking at all the men who watched me carefully.
Grayson gave me an encouraging smirk, tugging on my hand to pull me closer.
"It's alright. This is a vampire." He pulled me close enough I could see it was the delivery man, I looked at Grayson, not sure what to say.
"I found him outside of your house, last night. Do you know him?" He asked, acting clueless, but his tone made me believe how he'd caught him.
"H-he was the delivery guy from Monday, when Dr. Hyde had a lecture." I mumbled, hoping they wouldn't ask me anything else.
Dr. Hyde growled violently, slamming his fists into the bench beside the body, his hands indented into the thick metal.
"Stupid fucks!" He growled again, removing his hand and slicing his left hand open on sharo metal.
He moaned in frustration, holding his arm up as Reed rushed to help him, wrapping the wound quickly and handing Dr. Hyde a small blue bottle that made my brain flash to a small green one Cindy had to drink.
I shook my head, ignoring the false memory.
He downed the contents and coughed a few times, Reed bringing him a cup of water before he finally calmed down.
Grayson had stepped slightly in front of me, protecting me for no reason. I pushed past him and touched Dr. Hyde's arm.
His head snapped up and black eyes bore into my light blue eyes.
I gasped and fell back, Grayson catching me.
"It's okay, he's not a vampire." He soothed, wrapping his arms around me and holding me to his chest.
"W-what are you then?" I asked, unsure of how to feel.
Dr. Hyde's face was different to the delivery man's I'd seen. All of his teeth were sharp and elongated, unlike just the two on a vampire. His cheeks were covered in hair and it filled his brows giving him a caveman, wild look.
I settled enough with him that his face returned to it's hairless normal softness.
"I'm sorry child," he said, his eyes brimming with tears. He started to sob then, turning away into Reed who hugged him.
"Dr. Hyde was tricked by a witch, one of the dark ones, instead of helping him, she cursed him with a beast side. Everytime he gets angry, he risks transforming into a Wendigo." I listened carefully, watching Dr. Hyde's sobbing with a heavy heart.
I pulled out of Grayson's hold, stepping close enough to Dr. Hyde to touch his arm.
He looked at me.
"Are you okay? Your hand looked pretty bad." I held out my hands, smiling softly. It took him a moment before he sniffled and put his hand in mine, letting me check it and see the wound was healed, a small scar the only sign it happened.
I wanted to gasp or shout in surprise but I settled for smiling, it seemed to work.
I patted his hand and let it go.
"Now, you were mad about vampire delivery boy, because?" I asked, looking between all the men.
Dr. Hyde pulled away from Reed, giving his arm a pat before he stepped to the autopsy table.
"Right, so, this prick was working for a vampire antiques company I buy from. Guess they're on the blacklist."
"He might have been working alone," I tried but was silenced by three knowing looks.
"Hoards act like bees, they feed on the nectar, humans, sometimes bringing it back to the hive." Reed started to explain, stepping around the table and his hand animated. "If a vampire drone, like delivery boy, goes to hunt someone they already met through business agreements with the Slayers, the Queen has to approve it as it's against the agreement."
"So what if he didn't get approval?"
Grayson rolled his eyes, sighing and stepping to the wall of metal doors.
He began opening them and pulling out rolling trays of dead vampires.
"Then I wouldn't have killed these nine already, and three more this morning." He said harshly, making me flinch.
"He's saying the Queen definitely knows, no vampires hunt a single human in packs like that." Reed squeezed my shoulder reassuringly, giving me a small smile.
I nodded, keeping quiet while they talked.
The delivery boy had been from the hoard who'd gathered near my home, behind the old Jenson property.
There was run off drains from all over that were large enough to hold a couple of hundred people, so I wouldn't doubt they could hide.
They had three companies in the city, all of them supplied the museum in some way. They spoke about cancelling the contract, ordering a complete seize on their practises or risk extermination.
I wanted to interject but, this wasn't my world.
I wanted to be kind and nice, giving people a chance.
But these weren't people.
I stared at the delivery man, he looked no different now than when I'd met him, besides the large hole in his chest.
I remembered how terrified I was when he'd attacked me, not sure what was happening.
I thought about Cindy ever encountering someone like that. My mind flashing to her dead beside a dumpster, bleeding.
I snapped out of it, turning away and cursing the false memory.
Grayson touched my shoulder, pulling me back slightly so I didn't have to turn around.
He hugged me for a moment.
"You good?" He whispered in my ear, I nodded, swallowing the truth.
"Come on, I'll take you back home." He said, leading me out of the room.
I quickly said goodbye to Dr. Hyde and Reed who waved at me.
Valerie glared at me, yelling goodbye to Grayson a bit too loudly and friendly.
He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me into him while we waited for the elevator.
He pulled me against his chest then, leaning down and kissing me in full view of Valerie's shocked expression.
I couldn't help the smug smile I had as I waved goodbye to her, calling her Ass-istant.
Grayson chuckled.
"Jealous type, I see." He pulled me against him, holding me gently while my hands rested on his chest.
"A little bit." I agreed, using my fingers to show how much.
"I like it." He smiled, leading me out of the elevator back to the car.
I almost forgot how pretty the car was, giggling as I hopped to the passenger side, Grayson offering to drive.
He gave me a hard stare as he opened the passenger door, making me blush and look down as I climbed in.
He quickly pulled my dress up, revealing my bare ass and slapped it three times before pulling my dress down and helping me into the car.
I sat in silence and shock at what happened, blinking as he got into the drivers seat and started the car.
I looked around sheepishly, thankful the car park was empty.
"Bully," I muttered under my breath as he drove.
He clearly heard me, chuckling and reaching across to unfold my arms, taking my hand in his.
"I warned you." He smiled, driving with a content expression on his face.

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