Daddies' New Beginning

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One week later

After the outburst of Mrs Jeon Tae realised he was making a mistake by taking away the family from Jungkook.

He knew Jungkook had been born with a silver spoon. His life resolved around money and that was all taken away from him only because of Tae.

And what about Tae? What he had? He still was not sure if he would get out of the prison. And Even if he got out what did he have to offer to Jungkook. He had no job, no money, no future.

He gave time to Jungkook.

Time to decide his future. Yes, they exchanged rings. But this was a life decision. Of course, Jungkook fought, cried, begged on his knees but Tae was adamant. He still gave Jungkook the time to think. That broke Jungkook and he stopped talking to Tae.

But now – now the silly boy was waiting for Tae by the prison gates. His hearing was done. Hobi messaged Jungkook that they won.

Mad at his boyfriend, Jungkook didn't accompany Tae.

The prison van arrived and Jungkook gasped feeling the sweat dripping down his neck. He knows he had acted like a child avoiding Tae whole week.

The love of his life got off the van and smiled warmly at Hobi who walked behind him.

Looking up he saw Jungkook standing with a thick black jacket and black pants. It was freezing cold outside.

Forgetting the whole week and their fights, Tae ran to Jungkook and hugged him.

Smiling, Jungkook held the man's waist and felt him breaking in his arms.

"Thank you Jungkook. Thank you. This would not have been possible without you thank you my love "

Smiling, Jungkook kissed Tae's forehead, "I love you the most."

Licking his lip, Tae asked with trepidation, "Kookie... have you made a decision?"

"about what?" Jungkook asked shaking his head.

Tae gulped and his eyes went to Jungkook's ring finger which was empty.

He had taken off the ring. Of course, he would choose Money and luxurious life over Tae. This wasn't the teenage Jungkook. This was a grown man. He was practical.

"Nothing. I... I'll get my things."

After about 30 minutes, Tae emerged out with his small bag. He was wearing a beige shirt and brown pants which looked new. He knew Jungkook had shopped for it knowing this was Jungkook's favorite color on Tae.

Since it was lunchtime, Tae got the chance to meet Jimin and Jackson for the last time in the canteen.

"Tae hyung - I will come and meet you once I am out," Jimin hugged his roommate and cried on his shoulder.

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