Chapter 17

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Okay, so I know I haven't updated in a while but it's because at the moment I have end of year tests so I just haven't found the time but I'm going to a concert tomorrow so I will have time to plan and yeah. Okay I'm back from the concertttttiiioooooo and it was REALLY good. The RIZZLEKICKS were there. They r legit buff af :-! Sooo I suppose u want to know what happens next so here...


Hermione was sitting on a chair next to the fire. It was her favourite chair in the house. It was plain wood but the comfy bit had pictures of birds and trees on it.
Hermione sat there and stared. She found fire very interesting. The way it swirled around and licked the air. It was almost hypnotic. Hermione had always enjoyed sitting by the fire. Mainly because it reminded her of being with Harry and Ron in the Gryffindor common room. God how she missed them.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Narcissa knocking at the door.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I don't know. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about earlier. About you know the wand to the throat"
"Oh Hermione, I know what it feels like to want to protect someone we love"
"Wait, no one said that I loved Draco!"
"Please, it's pretty obvious"
"Really. So how do you know what it feels like to protect someone you love?"
"I tried protecting Draco from his father and becoming a Death Eater but as soon as I realised that there was no escape then I just had to make sure he wasn't killed by Voldemort"
Hermione sat there and remained silent until she asked
"Mrs Malfoy, does Draco like me?"
"Yes, Hermione, he does and I've never seen him more in love than ever before. And you know better than anyone how much of a ladies man he was"
Hermione laughed. Maybe she should go and see him again? Before she realised it her legs had subconsciously walked her all the way to the side of the bed where Draco was sleeping. She gently touched his face and said ever so gently
"Come back to me Draco. Please"

Draco's POV:

Urgh, why couldn't I move!!!! This was so frustrating!! I heard Hermione talking to me about being in a coma but that can't be right because sometimes people never wake up from comas.
I heard footsteps coming towards me and then a soft voice, soft enough so that even I struggled to hear them. I had guessed it was Hermione but then she surprised me more when she said
"Come back to me Draco. Please"
I didn't think Hermione cared about me. I thought my love for her was going to be a one way ticket to loneliness. I thought she deserves better than me that I was just never to be loved. This was all so confusing. I tried desperately to move but all I managed to do was twitch my thumb. Hermione didn't see it but I would just keep trying. Even if it meant that when I woke up she didn't love me then so be it.

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