Chapter 10

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Hello fellow dramione fans!! This chapter is dedicated to confusedx100 because I met her through a friend and now we are friends so this one is for you xx


As Draco and Hermione boarded the train, Hermione stopped and asked herself if she had done the right thing. What if people thought she was being selfish? What if they thought she was only hiding away to save her skin? She brushed the thought away and boarded the train with Draco.

About half an hour after the train departed the station, Hermione fell asleep...

Hermione was running down a corridor that seemed like it was never going to end. She heard a suddenly heard a voice. It was Lucius Malfoy. He said "It doesn't matter where you hide you filthy little mudblood but I will find you and kill you!" Hermione screamed as she rounded a corner and saw The Burrow being burned to ashes. But the worst part was that Molly and Ginny and Ron were being burned too. Hermione tried to scream but she couldn't move or make any noise. She was paralysed.

"Still thinking we can hide away, are we?" A voice from behind sneered.

"Why are you doing this!!?" Screamed Hermione.

"To show you that you will never win. No matter where you go, I will find you and your little friends!" Lucius cackled and his voice started to get quieter...

Hermione woke with a cry. She was still on the train, she was still in one piece. Phew.

It looked as if Draco had gone to get something to eat. Just as well thought Hermione.

She stood up slowly and decided to read. She grabbed her favourite book "Hogwarts A History". She knew this book from cover to cover, back to front and upside down! But as she sat down to read, she heard a strange tapping noise.

Hermione sighed and put down her reading book to see what was making that racket.

Hermione looked under the mattress, above the bookshelf, in her suitcase, when she suddenly realised that the tapping noise was coming from Draco's side of the room.

Before Hermione could get any further, Draco waltzed in with a bag of crisps and a Danish pastry. She quickly dropped what she was holding and walked quickly over to her side of the room.

"Awake at last are we Hermione?" Said Draco "Oh, and by the waytime, you snore really loudly!"

"Urgh, typical Malfoy" sighed Hermione.

Draco sniggered.

"The train will be stopping at the station soon. We should probably get ready" Draco said.

"Okay" replied Hermione.

The tapping noise came again and Draco and Hermione both looked at each other.

Suddenly Draco's arm was on her wrist and he spoke very urgently.

"Hermione, whatever you do, you must NEVER open this locket"

Draco dug around in his bag and pulled out a silver locket with swirl patterns all over both faces.

"It contains Lord Voldemort's spirit"


Guys please vote and comment because I forgot to tell u guys but it was my birthday on Saturday :-) xx

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