Chapter 3

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I just wanted to say thank you guys soooooo much for reading this. Really, this got 32 reads so far which is pretty damn good for a first fan fiction!!! I would just like to say that this chapter is dedicated to all of my followers, you guys are the best and if you're not following me then you'd better and I might just mention your name at the beginning of a chapter. In order to write the next chapter I would like to have at least 35 reads xx that's a fair amount right? Xx thanks again xx this whole wizarding world belongs to J. K Rowling and don't forget to vote and comment PLEASE!!! PLEASE don't just read it and not vote because otherwise I will think no one likes it :'(


Draco hadn't seen Hermione all morning. Maybe she was disgusted by what he had done. He went to all of his lessons but didn't see her at all. He wondered if she was avoiding him on purpose... Draco pushed the thought away. How could he have kissed her. She was with weasel and he was alone... maybe forever. He had been okay during the war because he had had his parents and Pansy but now they were all dead, he had no one. That never used to be a problem because he had always had a girl hanging off his arm. He had been the Slytherin bad boy. Now, he had been the cause of so many deaths, no one wanted anything to do with him. They were either petrified of him or hated him. Draco pondered these thoughts as he sat alone with two empty seats on either side of him. Suddenly a shadow covered his stone cold stew. It was Blaise and Goyle. "What do you want?" He asked tiredly. "Nothing. Just what you are doing with the mudblood." "Don't say that" "Why!? Is there something you're not telling us!?" "No, I just... I... I just think..." Draco was saved by Professor McGonagle making a speech about class times. Once she finished talking, Draco hurried away from the great hall before Blaise and Goyle asked more questions. Later that evening when Draco was finishing a potions essay, he heard the portrait door open and the tapping of shoes. He saw Hermione round the corner and she stopped. They held each other's gaze until she said "why did you do it?" It startled Draco and he was momentarily shocked. Then he regained his cool. "Because, I have realised that now I am alone I would like to make some friends" he said "Well it looked like you wanted to be more than that when you KISSED me!" Draco knew what was coming. She was going to say that she was going to tell Ron and Harry but what actually happened shocked him more than ever. She ran over, jumped on his lap and kissed him.

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