Chapter 11

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Guys this is AMAZING!!! (Quoted by Sarah) But seriously! I am so happy! I'm halfway to 1000 :-) Anyways, enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: this whole wizarding world belongs to J. K Rowling however, the story line is mine xx


"WHAT!!?" Hermione yelled.
"Yes I know! But I had to hide it, otherwise I could lose everything!"

Hermione sighed. She knew it was wrong but what was she to do!?

"Okay Draco, I'll keep it a secret. But you have to promise me one thing... that you will start being nicer to my friends"

Draco started to protest but ended up agreeing. "Fine, but if any of your friends really annoy me... there will be hell to pay!"

Hermione laughed. "Don't worry"

Both of them sat down but nearly as soon as they had, the ticket guy came round asking for our tickets.

*1 hour later*

"Come ON Draco!!" Yelled Hermione as she tried to get him to stand up.
"10 more minutes!" Cried Draco
"No, NOW! Come ON Draco!!"
"Argh!!! FINE!!!" Yelled Draco.

Draco stood up slowly and then fell back into the bed. "DRACO!!" Shrieked Hermione. Draco stood up once more and managed to stay upright.

"Finally" said Hermione. "I thought you would never wake up!" She said, mimicking Draco's voice.
"Very funny Hermione!"
"Come on! Otherwise they will close the train doors!"
Groaning, Draco followed Hermione through the crowds of people all trying to get to the platform.

"Come on George dear! We didn't get you that knee replacement for you to not use it!" Said an elderly lady, helping her husband through the crowd.

Draco chuckled to himself and carried on following Hermione.

Once they reached the platform it was strangely deserted. Hermione carried on walking until she got to a brick wall and ran straight into it. Draco sighed and followed. It lead onto a strange muggle station that was very busy.

Once they had come in and out of a winding maze of tunnels Draco found himself being bundled into a thing called a taxi. He swore to himself that if he ever saw this taxi driver again he would use a silencing charm on him.

Finally, the taxi stopped outside an old cottage hidden beneath layers of trees and plants.
"Wow! Professor McGonagle really knows how to choose a hideout spot!" Laughed Draco.
"Come on, let's have a look!" Cheered Hermione.

As soon as Draco opened the door he knew he was going to like it here. There wasn't any green or red anywhere. Just as well thought Draco.

Inside the cottage there was a note next to the burning fire. It said:

Dear Draco and Hermione,
I hope you like the cottage! If not then will whatever you don't like about it and it will change but don't worry, only you two are able to change it. I have left food in the cupboards and a variety of potions next to them. Be nice to each other and take care.
Yours sincerely
Professor McGonagall

"Wow" said Hermione "it's amazing! I'm going to go to my room and go to bed. See you tomorrow Draco"
"Good night Hermione" and she went upstairs. Draco followed shortly after. The day had left him completely drained.

As Draco drifted off to sleep, he wondered why Hermione had chosen him over Ron? Was there more to her explanation?

He'll find out sooner or later.


That's another chapter done! Sorry it took so long but my fingers get tired very quickly and also I'm moving house this week so I've been packing up my room this week. Comment and vote xx IF YOU HICUPPED DURING THIS CHAPTER... BLESS YOUR FACE. BLEEEEEEEEEEEP

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