Chapter 16

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Okay so I know I left it on a cliff hanger last time so you're probably wondering what happened to Draco so read on!! :-)


Hermione stirred. She sat up suddenly remembering what had happened. But all she saw was the inside of the cottage. Wait.. why was she in the cottage!? She looked around and saw Draco. "Oh my God!!" She cried. He had a bandage around a swollen and purple leg with obvious bite marks that were visible through the bandage.
"Oh Draco! What happened!?" Cried Hermione
"He sustained puncture wounds to the muscles of his leg but thankfully it didn't get as far as the bone. The thing that attacked him was poisonous but I managed to extract most of the poison however he is in a coma for maybe ever or maybe he'll wake up today. I just don't know" said a voice.
Hermione spun around. It was Draco's mother.
Before she could say another word Hermione had drawn out her wand and had it pressed against her throat. "Why are you here?" Hissed Hermione
"To care for my son" she replied calmly
"Why? I thought you were with Lucius?"
"Lucius betrayed me by turning himself into a monster. That is why I must make amends with Draco to prove that I am still his mother"
Hermione lowered her wand slowly.
"How did you know where we were?" Asked Hermione
"Well, Lucius didn't know that I had changed sides so he told me all about the note he left you and your little friend..."
"DOBBY!! Is he ok?? Is he hurt??"
"Ahh yes Dobby, he had some nasty cuts and bruises but he's fine and he is resting"
"Can I see him?"
"Maybe not the best idea seeing as he needs as much rest as possible"
"Oh. Well can I have a minute with Draco. Alone?"
Draco's mum left the room without another word.
Hermione sat by the bed. She picked up Draco's hand and looked at his pale face.
"Draco, I think people have said that you can hear people when you're in a coma but if you can I want to tell you, since I punched you in the face I have known that, well, ah. I've known that you and me well, I like you and I hope you do too"
Hermione left quickly before she felt too embarrassed by what she had said.

Draco POV:
All I could see was black. I tried opening my eyes but I couldn't, I physically couldn't. Then I tried moving my legs and then my arms. I couldn't move. I tried to remember what happened before and then I suddenly remembered all of it. Dobby suspended by his ankles, my father/ monster tricking us, and the blue monster biting down on my ankle, then I remembered Hermione. Hermione!? Is she ok? I suddenly panicked, what if I was dead!? Maybe both me and Hermione died!?
Then I heard something. Muffled voices but then I heard someone leave. They picked up my hand and the voice came closer and I could hear what they were saying.
They said "Draco, I think people have said that you can hear people when you're in a coma but if you can I want to tell you, since I punched you in the face I have known that, well, ah. I've known that you and me well, I like you and I hope you do too"
Then I heard receding footsteps and then they were gone.


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