Journal- July 17, 1866

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In the days following, Mr. Jeffrey's Independence Day picnic, I have had the happiest, and frightful moments of my life thus far. The day after, we were given time off to rest, and I used that opportunity to cleanse my spirit, and obliterate the essence of Mr. Jeffrey's clutches off of me.

There is a secret watering hole off in the distant of the fields the men work in. It is perfectly placed in a small section before the deep woods meet. I found this paradise by accident, and I knew that it would be a special place for me and my Coyote. Tall trees, willows, and thick brush keep this area concealed.

The over lapping willows touch all the way down to the tall blades of grass. The perfect place for two star crossed lovers, and I knew this was the place I needed that day to cleanse myself of the gravity of my current predicament.

When the sun peaked over the edge and touched my cabin, I ran out the door in search of my Coyote. My feet scantly touched the ground in my haste to reach his entryway . Landon opened his door and, I ran into his arms with longing. He pulled me away slowly, but there was a smile in his eyes and a crook of his lips as he playfully said, "Come on little Fox, let us go play."

My fears and my worries melted away in the presence of him. Landon, my Coyote is devilishly handsome, and I am always conscious of him and the space that he occupies. He's manner is what it ought to be. He is kind, brave, exactly what a man should be, and I know that I do not have to be guarded around him for the reason is that our souls are connected.

Showing my Coyote our place was a moment I will cherish always. We ducked our heads underneath the brush of the willows branches, and he gave me a quizzical look, which quickly was replaced with delight. Landon's laughter drifted all around me and I joined in. The medley of our glee sounded like the cahoots of a pack howling at the moon.

We splashed around at first, but it quickly turned heated as the water wrapped itself around us like silk and the world slowed and it was just us. I could lose myself in his eyes. He stared at me intently, very slowly he made his way towards me. It seemed the water moved out of his way with the purpose of his intent too clear. He reached me and lifted me out of the water, and I wrapped myself around him when our lips met. It ended faster than it started. Gathering his wits about him, he put distance between us.

My Coyote nuzzled his way back to me when he saw the hurt that I felt. He put his face in my neck and slowly raised his lips to my ear and said, "Oh my little fox, your wickedness leaves me weak and I fumble like a daft lad."

The tension that I was feeling began to relax from my shoulders and I looked up to him. I put all my emotions in my gaze, and filled it with my uncertainty, my devotion, and most of all, the absolution of my love for him. In that moment I had bared my soul to him He made a sound that started off as a gasp but then turned into a growl, as he wrestled with his emotions. With his decision met, he crushed my lips with his. On that glorious day with just us and the spirits above us, Landon declared his love for me and the conviction of his words will forever ring in my ears.

The sun was setting and it was time to leave and as we gathered our belongings and headed home I glanced over in the direction of where the manor was, when something caught my eye. A sense of doom engulfed me as I recognized a dark shadow in the shape of a man standing off in the distance staring at us.

- Petra

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