Journal- June 19, 1866

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June 19, 1866

I am in love. I have found him, my Coyote. Mama was right. He is perfect. Clever and mischievous, we get in so much trouble together. I am his Silver Fox and we prowl the grounds together in search of our fire. Ok, I know I need to slow down, but how can I? He is my Puluuluk. Which means moon, and I am his Liwa which means water. His hold over me is so strong. He is like the moons influences over the sea. I swoosh and wave like the rushing ocean.

Harvest has come, and Papa needed help in the fields. Mama allowed me to go help Papa. That day is one I will never forget. It was hot and humid. Beads of sweat are rolling over my brow into my eye; I take the back of my hand and brush the sweat away. I look up and see a new worker. His name is Landon. When I saw him for the first time, I think my heart stopped. He is so intimating. His height is extreme and his frame is large. His physic is toned due to physical labor. The sun has bronzed his skin. Needless to say he was tall dark and handsome. He looks to be around my age too. Papa can tell I like him, but if he has any idea that I am in love he would keep us apart. He is a little over protective of me.

We stand next to each other every day in line as we collect the harvest, and put them into the baskets at our feet. I would always stare at him from behind my lashes. He has energy about him that commands attention. Playfully one day he chased me through the corn fields. Mama gave me such a scolding. After work he always comes and finds me and we run through the field together. He secretly holds my hand deep in the fields that are full of foliage where no peeping eyes can see.

He is the eldest son of a large family. He left to find work and was hired as a ranch hand like Papa. Mama keeps an eye on us. I think she knows how fast I have fallen for him. He hasn't spoken of any love yet, but he doesn't need to I can feel his devotion in his gaze.

Mama came to me one night while I was sitting by myself. The day had ended and I was relaxing against the cold stone below the door to our small cabin. I stretched my long legs out absorbing in the delight of my love sick condition. Mama walked over to me and with a troubled sigh, she takes a seat next to me. She looks concerned as she grabs my hands and hurriedly tells me to guard myself. She starts into a story that has been passed down to our people.

One day grandfather Raven was bored with the Great Spirit Land and decided to leave. In his beak he carried a stone that he had taken from there. After flying into the abbess, all Raven could see was a vast amount of sea. In his shock Raven dropped the stone. Erupting from the sea, land spurred and set forth. The Great Sprits decided to give each animal a gift that was in the form of a cedar box. One after one, animals opened their boxes bringing new things to our world, mountains, flowers and such. All were opened except for the cedar box Seagull held under his wing. Everyone begged him to open it, but he refused. Finally frustrated, they all went to seek help from Grandfather Raven. Raven pleaded with Seagull, but he still refused to open it. Finally disconcert at seagulls selfish nature, Raven took a thorn and shoved it deeply into Seagull's side, squawking in pain, Seagull flared his wings and dropped the box. All the light in the world busted through, filling the sky with all the stars and the sun.

Mama goes silent after her story. She brushes a stranded hair behind my ear, and says,"Make sure he isn't your Seagull." With that she leaves me sitting there taking in her words of wisdom. Landon is my Coyote Mama. I am going to see him again I need to go.

- Petra

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