I'm actually taking a break

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So I'm actually gonna take a break as I been really pissed off at some people and been really stressed and I need to take care of my dog's since my dog is still limping and now I'm worried about my other dog because she got thrown >:( like real hard and she was shaking so I'm like not in the mood to write/post now since it's too stressful bc we(my fam) dont have enough money to take my dog to the vet because he been limping as i need to pay more focus on him to make sure nothing worse happens👍🏻 i will give updates but i might take a week break or somthing but ill post updates :)

Also- after the break and I finish the schedule should I make another catnap x dogday fanfic but it's the high school au? Since I wanna write more things since I taken the joy with writing<3

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