the news

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{3rd person}
All the critters chat and giggle as they walk into the office as a worker said they had news for them. They all sit down and wait for the worker to walk in and tell them what the news was.

Hoppy: I wonder what the news is?

Craftycorn: ohhh! I wonder if the news is about a new type of place for the neighborhood!

Picky piggy: well if it is a new place- then I hope it is a food place! I'm starving.

After a while of chatting a worker walks in as everyone went silent and looked at the worker excited about what the news will be.

The worker: I'm glad you all came. I have great news for you all.

Craftycorn raises her hand jumping up and down on her chair excited smiling wide

The worker looks at craftycorn and says "yes crafty?"

Craftycorn's eyes lit up and says happily "is the news about a new place for the neighborhood?"

The worker smiles and says softly "short of. There will be a new place but that's not what the news is about."

All the critters are happy but confused at the same time as dogday raises his hand and says "well what's the news then?"

The worker says "well playtime Co has decided that you. The critters are missing something important-"

Bobby Bear hug raises their hand and says "but what is missing? Everything seems fine to me?"

The worker says "well I'm sure all of you are aware about your pendents. As we(workers/playtime Co) decided that if there is a sun- there has to be a moon."

Everyone went silent confused until dogday's ears went up as his tail started wagging as he raised his hand bouncing on his chair excited as dogday says "oh oh oh! I know! Will there be a new member!"

All the critters-dogday gasp and start getting excited

Hoppy hopscotch: will they have a moon pendant?

Kickin chicken: are they cool like me?

Everyone was excited as the worker nods and says "yes but this new member is different then all of you"

The critters go quiet and look at the worker as bubbaphant says "really? How?"

/After the worker explained about the poppy gas the new member has/

Some of the critters were skeptical about the new member now as they listened to the worker explaining about the poppy gas as some of them felt uneasy about it

/After the worker stopped talking about the news and stuff/

The worker nods and let's the critters talk and process the news before calling someone in....

Word count 483

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