★night surprise★

310 7 40

(today's song is two birds and in love with someone)
{catnap pov}
It was around 7-9pm at night? As the worker called all of us to the office. I was the first to head out since I was awake. I walk over to dogday's house as he told me to pick him up. I wait for dogday to come outside as I notice hoppy running over to me

🐰💚: hey catnap! Why are you outside of dogday's house?

"He told me to pick him up"

🐰💚: ohhh cool! I was gonna go get kickin and picky


🐰💚: well I'll be going. See ya cat!

I watch hoppy walk off

I wait for a while more for dogday before hearing the door open and seeing a sleepy dog come out

🐶🧡: hey- thanks for um... Waiting?

"Yeah- why'd you want me to pick you up?"

After I said that I noticed dogday looked more awake as his tail starts wagging?

🐶🧡: oh- so you could carry me there since I'm too tired tbh.

I look at him shocked! He's normally the energetic one? What- did the roles change today?

"Um- you look well awake to me?"

🐶🧡: and? I still wanna be carried-

"Oh- so you just wanna be carried and not because your tired?"

I watch as he nods his head happily that I was getting the point
{Dogday pov}

Catnap and me don't really do anything that couples do! Like anything romantic. Yes we kiss and flirt from time to time but we never carried each other really... And couples carry each other I think? Idk playtime didn't really give us much information about dating.


I watch as catnap stared at me before looking confused...? What was he confused about? Was it something I said?

🐈‍⬛💜: what type of carrying?

"Huh...? What type? Wdym?"

I didn't know there were different types of carrying? I thought you just pick something up and that's carrying?

"Um- the commo way...???"

🐈‍⬛💜: okay...?

I smile before feeling myself get picked up and... I was not expecting so like this!?(It's a bridal pickup👍🏻)
I felt my face get hot as I hide my face in my hands. This is embarrassing... Really is! I watch as catnap laughed at me for covering my face

"Hey! It's not funny!"

I say as I pout. I watch as catnap giggled before bursting out laughing

🐈‍⬛💜: I'm sorry! It's just hilarious seeing you embarrassed!

I roll my eyes

???: um... Am I interrupting something?

Both me and catnap look over as we see bubba looking at us confused

🐈‍⬛💜: no not really why-?

Bubba: I just didn't expect you guys to be so touchy?

🐈‍⬛💜: um? Is it bad to be touchy?

🐘💙: no? It's just friends dont usually pick up each other.
{Catnap pov}


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