the mysterious feline

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{3rd person}
A purple cat with a moon pendant walks in with a blank expression as they stop right next to the worker as the new member looks at the critters as the critters looked at the purple feline confused as they look at the worker

The worker "guys. This is catnap. His purpose is to help you all sleep as we had reports of you guys having trouble sleeping"

All the critters looked at catnap as some of them seemed skeptical about this new member

Craftycorn smiles awkwardly and says "hi catnap...? I'm craftycorn! Nice to meet you! I hope you have a first good day? Here in the critter team!"


The worker says "he's not really the talker...- but I'm sure he'll open up to you all. Now I need to get going as I will appreciate if you all showed catnap to his home. He lives next to dogday"

All the critters nod as the worker gets going as they all surround catnap

Hoppy: so your like a cat right? Do you have any cat traits?

Picky piggy: you seem strange? But in a good way? You smell good! Nvm that sounds weird-

Dogday smiles and says "so your my neighbor? That's so cool! I can't wait for you to hang out with us!"

They all chat as they take catnap to the neighborhood as they show him around as they show him his house, his house is a purple cat tree with a house on the top of the cat tree/posed
(Like this ↓ but imagine a ladder on the side too)

They all chat as they take catnap to the neighborhood as they show him around as they show him his house, his house is a purple cat tree with a house on the top of the cat tree/posed(Like this ↓ but imagine a ladder on the side too)

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It took all day showing catnap around as dogday says "hey! Why don't we all have a sleepover! I think it will be fun to have a sleepover with our new member!"

Everyone-catnap all cheer and say yes as they all-catnap loved having sleepovers. As they all chat and talk about ideas for the sleepover catnap stays quiet and stares blankly at them....

Word count 331

★the sun will always brighten up the moon★Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora