uh oh!

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(sorry if this is short- I was in a car going somewhere 😓 as it is kinda hard to focus and think)

{Catnap pov}
I was terrified! I never been this high... I was about to cry!

I was holding onto the tree and as I held the critter with my tail

Hoppy: how are we gonna get him down?

Catbee: isn't he a cat? Maybe he can land on all fours! Or at least land? Cats are able to jump and land from high places like squirrels I think-

Bubba: well it might be too high?

Dogday: this is bad... He might be able to land... But he might hurt himself doing so-

I watch them talk barely hearing them as I grab the mini critter


I yelled throwing the mini crafty as I watch them all scream and panic as hoppy kickin caught it

Kickin: omg! That was close!


i said looking up at him as I looked at bobby

Bobby looks at catnap and yells: JUMP!


Catnap: what!?

Bobby: yeah! Jump! Your a cat! You can land on your feet!

I stare at her in horror as I yell back "what if I hurt myself!"

Crafty: we'll bring you to the hospital! Don't worry! We will hold a think blanket and multiple blankets together out! So we can catch you!


After a while I finally yell back
"Fine! But you better guys better catch me you fat fucks!"

They are run to get a blanket before running back over holding the blanket out as I start to calculate how to land and where it would be best to jump as I try to go to the branch below me but I loose grip...


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