19- Anything To Feel Nothing

Start from the beginning

    Nova walked towards the microphone in the center of the edge of the stage. When her face neared it, half the crowd went silent.

    "Good morning, Sudbury!" They all yelled back at her, "I hope you all made it here safely."

    "Um, I'm sure you know who these two beautiful ladies are." Nova shot them both loving looks, "Madeline, our guitarist, and Jaleigha, our drummer." She turned towards both of them when she introduced them, "My name is Nova, Novella Rophur to be exact. Take that with what you will. Um, this first song is for Lana."

    Madeline waited a moment before she started strumming the guitar she put around her. Lyrics From Lana. The crowd cheered as loud as they ever had when they heard the first few notes.

     Nova inhaled slowly, preparing her voice.


    "Thank you everyone for coming out tonight! I love all of you so, so, so much, but there is one last thing I'd like to say before you all leave." Madeline glanced at Nova anxiously, Jaleigha looked at Madeline for answers.

    "I'm sure none of you have forgotten about a certain set of allegations from a few months ago." The crowd was silent, the most silent it's ever been. She watched as many of them pulled their phones out. "I want to make myself very clear, I do not know who Amy is, I've never met her. This is serious, I'm not using anything to prove that Azul is innocent." Nova glanced up at their faces one last time, she breathed in and tapped her microphone.

    Let them know.

    "When I was in high school and even before last year, I was... An addict." Nova glanced at Madeline who slowly nodded to her, Nova turned back to the crowd. Her eyes singled in on one person, a girl with tight black curls in a red dress. "Last year, I went to rehab. I was there for the entire year, I could not have been at any party."

    "If I was, there would be no way that I would, or let someone else, touch someone or have sex with someone without their full consent." Nova's grip tightened on the microphone, "I would never."

    "Get off me!"

     "If Azul did go to a party or has done anything like that in the past, it's not up to me, he has nothing to do with this band now." Jaleigha's eyes went wide but she didn't say anything. "I cannot confirm or deny if Chris or any of what the others have said is true or not. In my own experience, he can get... Bad." Nova glanced at Madeline, asking for permission.

    Madeline glanced away, she bit her lip before she nodded to Nova. Say it. She mouthed.

    "Azul Chance... Is a rapist." Nova slid the microphone into its stand and dropped her arms, "Goodnight, get home safe." She stepped back before turning her back on their faces.

   "Nova!" She heard Jaleigha call for her as she hurried through the curtain. As she walked through the back rooms, she heard keys jingle and a figure move out the back door.

   Her eyes narrowed and her fists clenched. She hurried after them. Aggressively pushing open the door, she ignored her name being called.

    Nova caught up fast, the other was halfway across the parking lot from the building. Nova grabbed his arm and forced him to turn around.

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