"Waalaikumassalam..." Taehyung replied. "Is everything alright, Taehyung?" Ayzal asked, her concern evident in her tone. "Yeah, everything's fine. Um, Ayzal, I wanted to ask you something," Taehyung began tentatively.

"What is it?" Ayzal inquired curiously. "There's a dress that's going to be delivered before morning. It's for Yazia's nikah. I need you to change it with her nikah dress," Taehyung requested, his voice carrying a sense of urgency.

Ayzal hesitated for a moment before responding, "Alright, I'll take care of it. But why do you need to change it?" Taehyung smiled to himself. 

 "How can I let her wear something she dislikes? Just change it silently and throw the other one somewhere no one can find," he explained quickly. "Ayzal grinned hearing his words. "Alright I'll do it." Ayzal felt happy for her sister knowing that there was someone who cared for her deeply.

"Thank you, Fatima," Taehyung said gratefully, but Ayzal couldn't help but try to control her laughter. "Don't ever call me that in front of Yazia; she will kill you," she warned jokingly, imagining her sister's reaction.

"I'll happily get killed if the one killing me is her," Taehyung replied with a chuckle, his affection for Yazia was evident in his words. Ayzal couldn't help but laugh at Taehyung's response, feeling a warmth in her heart at the depth of his affection for her sister. "Well, let's hope it doesn't come to that," she said, still chuckling.

"Indeed," Taehyung agreed with a smile. "But seriously, thank you for helping me with this. It means a lot."

"Of course, I'll go now, Allah hafiz," Ayzal replied Taehyung hummed and with a bye, he hung up and leaned back in the car seat letting out a deep breath. 


It was just before Fajr when Ayzal received a large bag containing the wedding dress. She signed for it and took it, her steps light as she made her way to Yazia's room to place it. It was early, and everyone else was still asleep. Ayzal tiptoed to Yazia's room, trying her best not to make any noise that might wake her sister.

As she opened the door slowly, Ayzal was surprised to find Yazia standing near the balcony door, talking on her phone. Hearing the door open, Yazia turned around, ending the call abruptly. Ayzal stopped in her tracks, caught off guard by her. Ayal chuckled nervously.

"You're awake?" Ayzal asked quietly, surprised by Yazia's presence. Yazia nodded, walking up to her sister and eyeing the large bag in Ayzal's hand, though she didn't say a word.

"Why are you awake?" Ayzal inquired, avoiding Yazia's gaze as she passed by her. "I couldn't sleep," Yazia sighed, her mind consumed by thoughts. "Is it about the wedding?" Ayzal questioned; her concern evident in her voice.

Yazia shook her head. "I'm just thinking about Eomma's words. How easily she said I'm making a fuss about the hijab. I never thought my own mother would say such hurtful words. It's really been weighing on my mind," Yazia confessed, her voice tinged with sadness.

Ayzal placed the bag on the bed and turned to face Yazia. "You know, when you walk on Allah's path, even your own close relatives may become your enemies and oppose you. It's a trial," she said softly.

"When our dear Prophet Muhammad ﷺ started preaching Islam, his own relatives opposed him. They tried everything to stop him and even called him names. But he remained steadfast in his faith, knowing that he was on the right path," Ayzal continued

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