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UGHHHHH!!!! She rann away!!! I hate my lifeeeeeeeee 


:( I HAVE TO GO BACK TO THE AWFUL ORPHANAGEEEEEE........... I better run! Um... One tinsy tiny problem..... The ropes!!!! WHY IS SHE SO SMART (Maybe I am dumb.. but stillll!!! She should be dumberrrr) Hm. OH, I SEE HOPE! There is a knife in the corner of the room!(Huh? In a bathroom???? That's weird... Luck is SHINING ON MEEEEE) Hopefully, my legs are long enough...


Yes! Victory!!!! Ok... Now the hard part. Cutting the ropes. I guess I can do this


and that 


and a little bit moreeee 


Yes! Phew... I will just run now? I guess? Is it this easy? Oh no! I hear foot steps!!!! What should I doooooo 

*Looking around*


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