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Charlie awoke some time later with a throbbing in her head. As she came to, Charlie realised that she was tied down to a chair; she couldn't move her arms and legs worth a damn. She also couldn't move her mouth as it had been closed shut with duct tape.

"You allowed her to break into your apartment?" a voice said.

" I-I can't explain it- how she got the materials. But I brought her to you," Piggy's voice said. Upon hearing it, Charlie's eyes opened as her vision returned. She looked around and saw she was in a warehouse of some kind. Next to her was Officer Rose Tyler, also bound down to a chair, and in front of them looked like Piggy and...


Surrounding Mesagog and Piggy were about a dozen tyrandrones.

"That makes this much less unpleasant for you," Mesagog said, "No witnesses."

"Then you'll let Master Vile know I captured her?" Piggy told him, "And SPD Gold too?"

Master Vile

So that confirmed it. Mercer was definitely working for Dark Spectre. Maybe he could tell him where he was.

"When and if he decides to make contact with me, I may mention it," Mesagog said.

Fuck. Mesagog didn't know where he was after all.

"Ah, finally," Mesagog said, turning his attention towards Charlie, " Charlie Matthews Collins born to Wes Collins and Jen Scott-Collins, the time Force red and pink, SPD's A sqaud Red, Formerly a traitor."

Charlie froze and maintained her composure. How the fuck did Mercer know that much about her personally?

"I know all about you, and your team," Mesagog said, taking an unoccupied chair and sitting opposite of Charlie. He ripped the duct tape right off her mouth, but Charlie hardly flinched. This wasn't her first time captured by the enemy during her time in SPD. She maintained his composure, knowing she had to play things smart. Charlie saw Piggy had the briefcase in hand, and with any luck had not removed the tracking device. If she stalled long enough, the rest of her team would have time to show up and take care of things.

"Oh, Can got your tongue or should I say Z got it?"

"Go fuck yourself," Charlie uttered. Mesagog clicked his tongue, then turned to one Elsa and nodded. Elsa walked up behind Tyler and wrapped her arms around her neck. Tyler struggled for a moment, but the woman had succeeded in suffocating her. Charlie could do nothing as she watched helplessly.

Sky, where the fuck are you?

"She gets it easy," Mesagog told Charlie, directing her focus back at him, "Do not tempt me to make use of my new toy."

He raised the knife, and Charlie held back her fear.

"Killing me gives you no room to negotiate with my friends," Charlie warned.

Mesagog laughed, "Unfortunately for you, it seems these friends of yours have other places to be."

With that, Mesagog stood up and kicked Charlie's chair onto the ground. Charlie could do nothing but stare upward as Mesagog stood over her and pulled out his Mutation blaster.

Charlie looked up again and saw lightning flash through the windows of the warehouse, and in that flash, she saw figures scurry their way across the rooftop. As Mesagog pulled the slide back on his pistol, Charlie smirked.

Mesagog was confused for a moment before he heard the sound of shattering glass, and from above three smoke grenades dropped down onto the ground, filling the warehouse with smoke. Mesagog, Elsa, Piggy, and their men started looking wildly around for the source, and suddenly gunfire rang out as the figures descended down ropes onto the ground. Piggy was contained almost immediately, dropping his briefcase onto the ground. Another bullet grazed Mesagog's left shoulder, causing him to drop the blaster. Tyranadrones inside started firing randomly at targets before two of them were dropped down in a flurry of gun fire. Mesagog ran off into the smoke and out of sight, probably trying to escape the warehouse.

Elsa was firing he rifle upward right in front of Charlie before she was shot in the head.

"Z!" Charlie called out, seeing the B sqaud descend down onto the ground with her blaster drawn. Lina, Syd, JJ and Sophie descended next to her and started clearing the room of hostiles with Fire Sqaud. Z took notice of Charlie still strapped to the chair before rushing over, grabbing the bayonet on the ground, and cutting the ropes holding Charlie down. Charlie quickly got to he feet as Z handed her back her blaster.

"Just in the nick of time, right Charlie?" Z said.

"Couple of minutes ago wouldn't have been so bad either," Charlie responded.

"I'll secure the scene," Z told her, "Get Mercer!"

Charlie nodded, then turned away from Z and started pursuing Mesagog through the warehouse. She slapped the bolt down on the Delta blaster, which she saw had a 50-round drum magazine and a holographic sight.

"Collins, push up!" Sky called out, firing into the Tyrnadrones with his blaster. About fucking time he showed up. Charlie didn't argue it and pushed up with him and Jack taking down targets as they went.

"Mercer went through there!" Sky spoke up, pointing towards a small room at the other side of the warehouse, "Charlie, take him out!"

"He's more valuable alive, Don't kill him!" Bridge spoke over comms. Charlie was conflicted now; her head said to spare Mesagog but her rage said to kill him. In the end, however, she decided to use her head.

Charlie breached the door and was met with a flashbang which momentarily blinded her. As her vision cleared up she saw Zeltrax in front of her. Acting fast, she emptied the rest of her blaster into Zeltrax and killed him. Charlie turned the corner again and saw Mercer trying to escape through the back door, but it was locked.

Mercer turned around to see Charlie standing there, aiming her Delta Blaster right at him. Mercer then dropped his empty Blaster and put up his hands, but did not look at all frightened.

"So here we are, you and I," Mesagog said, facing Charlie , "Go ahead, take me out. It's what you're good at, is it not?"

Charlie contained Mesagog, the rest of the team approached. Charlie saw that Bridge was holding Piggy's briefcase.

Sky approached Charlie first. Sky's face was stoic but ultimately calm.

" Mesagog is ours."

"More than he deserves," Sky spoke up, "Now let's get the hell out of here"

the rangers started to make way to leave the compound.

The rangers had other things to worry about. Most importantly, what the fuck was Dark spectre or Master Vile planning on doing with those photos of a morpher.

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