Made Jack an offer

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An SPD squad car pulled up on main street and Commander Sky Tate and Officer Z Delgado stepped out onto the sidewalk. Almost immediately there was as buzz from passersby as they caught sight of the officers. Z looked up at the sign.

"Landors and Samuels Clothing Emporium", Z read out loud. It took her a few moments for the name to click inside her head, "Landors? As in Jack Landors?"

The blonde haired co-owner was arranging a display outside and greeted the SPD Officers warmly, "Hey Sky, Z, didn't expect to see you here". The smile quickly fell from Ally's face when she saw the sad expression on Tate's face, "He's in the manager's office", Ally stated. Sky gave her a half smile in return, Ally always knew when something was wrong.

Sky didn't even bother to knock on the manager's door and was greeted by a startled Jack hunched over the desk surrounded by paperwork. The moment he set eyes on Sky he let out a loud sigh, before seeing Z " Oh you got promoted to Red that's awesome" Jack said.

As Jack opened his desk draw Sky shook his head, "Think I'm going to see something stronger than that today", he slumped into the chair opposite Jack.

The former red ranger frowned and opened another draw, pulling out a small silver flask, "Russia's finest, courtesy of Piggie". Sky frowned, knowing the reputation of Jack's alien partner, "Don't worry it's legal", Jack chuckled and pushed the glass of clear liquid over to Sky.

Sky took a sniff at the glass but whatever was inside was completely odourless. He took a small swig and almost instantly the back of his throat began to burn, "Jesus Christ Jack", he coughed, "that's like liquid fire".

"And people criticised President Trump's close relationship with the motherland", Jack smiled. Over the next few minutes Sky went into a detailed explanation of the recent events. Since Jack was a civilian he would only have the presses account of things.

There was a long silence as Jack thought about the situation. Before their conversation could continue the office door opened. At first Sky thought it was Ally but to his shock, it was Supreme Commander Cruger, "Commander Tate, this doesn't look like your office " he barked. Sky was too tired to stand up and give him a proper salute, merely waiving vaguely in his direction, "At ease", he snorted sarcastically, "We'll deal with this later but right now, I have some business with your friend".

"Me?" Jack pointed at his chest, "Look Commander I'm out of SPD, have been for a while". He then began to frown, "If it's about that last shipment that Piggy brought it, I promise you it was from a legal source".

"I'm not here to talk about Piggy", Cruger began, "actually I'm not here to talk to you at all".

The Commander stepped aside and another man entered the office. Sky immediately recognised him as Supreme Commander Andros. Z began to get up but the older man waived her off, "Please Officer Delgado stay seated", he began, "I know the last 24 hours have been hard on you".

"Getting shot at by someone you thought was on your side, that hurts you more mentally than physically", she commented.

A sad look crossed Andros's face, a look that suggested he knew exactly what she was going through. He soon shook it off and turned his attention to Jack, "I know you've been out the business for a while Jack but I've come to make you an offer".

Jack raised an eyebrow at the Supreme Commander, "Is this a financial offer, if it's not then I'm not interested".

"Landors", Cruger growled, "show a little respect".

"At ease Doggie", Andros smiled, "of course Jack will be financially compensated if he accepts my offer".

Sky and Z watched Jack's face carefully, they could almost see the grey cells in his head working away, "I'm listening", the former red ranger answered.

Andros smiled warmly, "Thank you", he began, "since Officer Delgado is here then Commander Tate's probably Hasn't already told you about our secret project", Jack nodded as Z scratched her head nervously, "it wasn't a secret Z so don't worry about that" Sky said, Andros smiled," we need your help".

"Why me?" Jack asked, a little surprised by Andros's offer, "and what would I need to do?"

"You have experience and the tech we have on offer requires someone with experience", Andros replied nonchalantly, "for the rest of the briefing, you'll need to come with us to Delta Base".

There was a brief moment when Sky thought Jack was going to reject the offer, however, "Lead the way", the former red ranger stated. As Z followed the others out of the cramped office, she wondered if recruiting Jack was the best idea.

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