Squads all here

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A lone black and white SPD car slowly made its way, trundling slowly through the narrow passageway. Once clear of the cliffs, the officer got her first sight of her destination. Several buildings made up the NASADA base. There were a few other buildings and an air traffic control tower together with two runways stretching out across the asteroid. Curiously on the other side of the runway was a blue NASADA shuttle smoking on a launchpad.

The main gates to the base opened and the car rolled into the parking lot. Waiting outside was two men similarly dressed in their SPD uniforms. One removed his sunglasses, revealing a piercing pair of blue eyes. The woman stepped out of the shuttle, " Matthews," the man greeted with a warm smile.

"Knock it off Tate," the brunette began, "no need for formalities," she added whilst adjusting a pin shaped like an eagle on her shirt.

"Come on Charlie, is that anyway to greet an old friend?" Jack replied.

Charlie Matthews snorted, "I'd be in a better mood if I hadn't been dragged to the SPD Supreme base." She removed her cap and glasses, "Please tell me this building has decent air conditioning at least," she added with a little smirk.

After completing her redemption with B Squad, Charlie moved to the SPD special ops team, but after its disbanding and the clearing of A Squads name, she returned home and was on holidays. Charlie had gained a reputation as one of the best instructors, a strict teacher who took no nonsense from the rookies.

Some were surprised that she still held the rank of Major, despite her two decade of service with the SPD. Other less experienced officers had been promoted over Charlie in the last few years. Outwardly she claimed to be happy with her current position, stating that a promotion would leave her stuck to a desk but the fact she'd been overlooked on several occasions hadn't gone unnoticed by Charlie.

The two Officers and SPD commander moved through the complex, quietly acknowledging the salutes of the junior officers. Finally they stopped by the entrance to the central hangar, "So, what's so top secret?" Charlie asked.

The main doors opened sideways, opening out into the large hangar and what she saw shocked her immediately. Sitting in the middle of the room was a five aircrafts.

Charlie gaped for a couple of moments before asking, "the SWAT flyers?" she looked at Sky, "Why are they here SPD doesn't have SWAT"

"Funny that's the first place you go to," a booming voice grabbed the attention of the three officers.

Charlie immediately recognised the stern expression belonging to their superior officer, "Commander Andros," she saluted the grey haired man, "I wasn't expecting you here today."

"At ease Matthews," Andros nodded at Charlie, "Landors, Tate," he added towards Jack and Sky. The Supreme commander gazed towards the machines in the hangar, "They're quite something aren't they," he began, "years of research and development has brought us these magnificent machines."

"Permission to speak freely Commander," Charlie asked, Andros sighed and nodded towards the former red ranger, "Why?" she asked simply.

Andros offered a low chuckle in response, "I was expecting much more Matthews, your outspoken reputation precedes you." Charlie blushed slightly, adverting her gaze from the Commander, "Grumm was a wake up call for everyone," he continued, "for nearly thirty years we've allowed the Power Rangers to protect us from the current threat, for which I'd like to personally thank you for by the way."

"You never struck me as a spandex wearer though Charlie," Jack joked, "although why did the other girl in your team get a skirt and you didn't?"

"It's not spandex," Charlie groaned in frustration, "and I hate skirts, have you ever seen me wear one?" Sky smirked back, shaking his head in the process.

"Can I continue?" Andros interrupted the friendly banter, "Grumm showed us that we could be easily overrun if the enemy attacks with enough force."

"With respect Sir, we still won that day," Jack stated, "it was a little touch and go at some points but we got the job done."

"At what cost though?" Andros asked, to which none of the three didn't offer a response, "It doesn't hurt to be prepared in case of the next attack, and the rest of e universe can rely soley on B squad."

"If you want peace, prepare for war," Sky sighed, "so I'm enacting the Fire Squad project." Andros stated

Charlie allowed herself a couple of moments to let everything sink in. Her powers might have been alien made but Earth had government like powers before with Lightspeed rescue and Timeforce. Something told her that this project wasn't entirely altruistic and solely for the benefit of the universe though, "Why now though," Charlie asked, "Grumm is long gone and there's nothing to suggest they're going to be a threat again. In fact, these last few years have been the quietest on the Ranger front for a long time."

Andros chuckled, "Nothing gets past you, does it Matthews?" He faced the new zords, placing his hands behind his back, "Truth is everyone seems to be building a Ranger team, some kid in her bedroom lab to take on monsters, even the Aquaitarian's passed their powers onto a new team." The former red ranger heard that story, "nevertheless we've been tasked with getting this project up and running quicker than expected."

"Where do I come in then Sir?" Charlie asked, "I get a last minute call to come down here without any further orders or instructions."

"Everything's coming online quicker than we anticipated," Sky began, "we still haven't finalised everything."

"We need the best tactician, that's where you come in," Andros continued, "Colonel Landors has spoken highly of you during our briefings, and we'd like to formally invite you onto Project Fire Squad."

Charlie opened her mouth, a retort on the tip of her tongue but she managed to hold herself back. She was mulling over the offer when it dawned on her what Supreme Commander Andros said, "Sorry, did you say Colonel?" she asked coldly.

"I've been meaning to tell you," Jack replied sheepishly, "my promotion to Lieutenant Colonel only came through a few days ago."

The former red Ranger turned away, slowly shaking her head. She willed her legs to walk away but a small voice in the back of her head told her to stay put. "This is nothing personal Charlie," Andros stated, the use of her first name deflated her anger slightly, "if it was my decision alone you'd be a full Colonel by now.

Unfortunately your record counts against you, even if you did have a good reason."

"This is another reason that I want you on this project," Sky added, quickly moving the conversation on, "no one else has the experience that you do. All it takes is a few people in the right positions to see what you can do, you'll have the rank you deserve before you know it."

Charlie slowly turned around, "This all sounds like it's to pacify me and that the decision's been made for me," she sighed. The guilty expressions on Sky and Andros answered her question, "It is your decision though your the Supreme Commander "

"Yes," Andros agreed, "But."

"But what?" Charlie asked, "Don't want to promote me? Got favourites like Tommy said you do?"

" That's not true" Andros said

" Looks like it is " Charlie snapped

" I don't want to promote you cause your better in the field " Andros snapped slightly

" You promoted Jack and he's in the field " Charlie said " This is why Parks hates SPD "

"Unfortunately I am disappointed in our relationship with ms Parks," Andros added,

"Good talk," Charlie frowned,

"You worry too much Charlie," Jack placed an arm on her shoulder, "I'm sure they will give you the proper promotion you deserve, after all you've changed so much since A squad."

Charlie nodded slowly, allowing herself to be led towards the briefing area. She couldn't shake the feeling deep in her stomach that something was about to go horribly wrong.

Power Rangers SPD: Fire SquadWhere stories live. Discover now