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Bridge pulled his blade from the throat of one of the guards she just killed. Charlie was cleaning her own knife after slitting another guard's throat. One of the guards was still partially alive, so Sky came up and put him down with a single shot from his delta blaster, Jack came up shortly after.

"Airfield's just up ahead. Let's move, people," Sky instructed, and Jack followed just behind him as they neared the observation point.

Charlie directed her attention to Bridge, saying "Let's go find this bitch."

They went up the small hill until they were overlooking the entire airstrip. Her Submarine sat ready for takeoff, and nearby was at least a dozen or more vehicles, some of them with mounted machine guns. As for the minions on the ground, there was a fuckton of them. More than had been present at Elgar's complex, they were made up of Phiranatons and Quantrons.

"Well, well, that fucker Elgar wasn't lying," Sky noted, looking down at the scene below.

"It's like a fucking bad guy convention down there," Jack commented.

"Charlie, get on that sniper rifle," Sky ordered, "Bridge , scan the area. We need a positive ID on Divatox before things go hot."

Charlie went prone and set up the bipod of her weapon, adjusting the scope so her line of sight was clear. Bridge took out her binoculars and observed the scene below.

"Any sign of Divatox?" Sky asked.

"No, not yet," Kenzie said, scanning all over for signs of the space pirate. She saw numerous Generals standing guard, but none of them looked like Divatox. She hoped to God that Elgar wasn't lying or she was gonna kill the bastard herself when they returned planetside.

Upon further observation, he took a look further at the minion on the ground. Elgar said something about a deal going on, but with whom?

That's when he recognized the minions.

"Holy shit," Bridge spoke aloud, "Stingwingers."

"What!?" Jack sounded shocked, "What the fuck are they doing here!?"

"Whatever they're doing here, it can't be good," Sky responded.

"Do we abort?" Bridge asked. Their mission priority was to assassinate Divatox, but the presence of Stingwigers changed things.

"No. Continue as planned. Divatox dies tonight," Sky told them, "Come on, we have a job to do."

"Truck coming in on the left," Jack noted, and both Bridge and Charlie directed their attention to the incoming vehicle. The truck pulled to a stop, and someone got out of the backseat wearing a blue track jacket of some kind. She definitely stood out to everyone else on the airfield at the moment.

"I think I might have eyes on Divatox!" Bridge exclaimed.

"Hold fire, we need to a positive ID or this whole thing goes to shit," Sky ordered, "Bridge, can you make out his face?"

"Not yet, her back's turned," Bridge replied. From the rear of the truck two associates of her were carrying a crate forward. One general soon identified as what is known as Hunter, and from the way he approached and was speaking to the girl in the blue jacket it had to have been the leader of the group. The two opened the crate and Wrench inside, he and the blue jacket girl then walked closer to the plane, and they remained at just the right angle that they couldn't make out the her face.

"Shit, still no visual," said Bridge.

They stepped onto the lowered ramp of the plane, where inside was more crates of the stuff. Just then, the girl in the blue jacket turned around and revealed herself as Divatox as the Hunter stood just barely in front of her,

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