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She knew she had to quit smoking.

Not like in the sense that she was addicted to the stuff (which, in all honesty, she probably was), but she only had the one pack on her. If she ran out, she wouldn't be able to stop the nicotine fit that would result from her boredom. And she certainly couldn't drink while on mission.

Charlie just wishes that Sky would hurry the fuck up so they could get this over with.

She checks her watch. Less than ten minutes till midnight, at which point their window of opportunity will open. They'll need the noise from the New Years' celebrations as cover.

Tommy Oliver had sadly passed away. Carter Greyson would be sworn in in a matter of weeks, but many people were still skeptical due to Hexagon.

Recent intelligence confirmed the identity of one of the primary leaders (of which there was probably more) who helped organize the art attempted takeover of Earth. Divatox, the pirate who hate earth for whatever the fucking reason. Unfortunately, Divatox's whereabouts were currently unknown to the SPD. Fortunately, there was a weak link in the chain who could be able to point them in the right direction, and his name was Elgar Divatox's nephew. If tonight's operation went smoothly, Elgar would piss his pants and give up Divatox in a heartbeat.

The crowd at the bar was starting to get restless. People speaking in alien languages about idle things, smoking, drinking, dancing, fucking around like everything was peachy. Charlie didn't care what they did as long as they didn't bother her directly. Zero to Hero by Starlord started playing over the radio; at least this dive bar had good taste in music.

The door to the bar opened and in stepped Sky Tate who, despite it being near midnight, was wearing shades. Charlie didn't know if he did it for the aesthetic or to draw attention away from the scars on the left side of his face, but it sure as hell wasn't practical. Besides, at this point she knew better than to question Sky's judgment on anything, even something as simple as fashion.

Sky pulled a pack of cigarettes out from his leather jacket pocket and lit one up. He took a puff and blew out the smoke from his nose before turning his head towards Charlie who was standing next to her table. He gave a slight nod to Charlie before approaching the table and resting his arms on it.

"Matthews" Sky addressed the younger woman.

"Tate" Charlie responded, "All clear here."

"Good, good," Sky said, drawing another puff from his cigarette, "Carson is scouting the perimeter and Landors'll be here soon."

Sky then reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small photograph of their target before handing it to Charlie.

"Elgar..." Charlie muttered, "We should just put that motherfucker against the wall and be done with it."

"All in good time," Sky said, "this ain't a hit, it's an op just like any other."

"Hmm," Charlie said, pulling out her lighter and setting the photograph ablaze before dumping it in the ashtray on the table. She checked her watch; five minutes to midnight.

"You sure SPD won't get involved?" Charlie asked.

"Doggie will keep them at bay," Sky reassured, and a moment later another man, a dog like alien entered the bar wearing a dark trenchcoat. This was Anubis Doggie Cruger.

"Tate," Cruger said as he approached the table, "Where's Landors?"

"Jack's around, but I'll send him your regards," Sky spoke, "Matthews" Kruger said.

Charlie gave a silent nod in Cruger's direction. Doggie did the same.

"We clear to move in?" Final asked Cruger directly.

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