Halloween Festival

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The Bed and Breakfast receives some undesirable guests

Once the sun started to set, the vampires went through the final preparations for the attraction display later at the night. Some of the festival stalls and game booths were being set up as well. The old couple were taking care of last minute ticket sales.

"So, Anna, what are you doing?"

Anna smiled sweetly at Tony, but for once, didn't try using her spell as they were busy with the last minute checks for tonight. "I found these cards in the old library here," she said, holding out a deck and book. "they're called tarot cards, and they're said to give hints of the future. I've been studying them since you've been gone, thinking it could be useful."

"Huh, neat, a fortune telling gimmick." Tony hummed in interest, "Yeah, some people are into that. I'm sure it's gonna be a hit."

Anna beamed, delighted at the human's approval, "So~" she drawled, "would you like to see where our future is going?"

"Our...?" Tony blinked, somehow taken aback as Anna was suddenly an inch closer. He felt odd, feeling a little fuzzy. For a moment, he was drawn to the girl, but he could sense, in the back of his mind, he was wondering why. Tony did think she was quite beautiful, but he didn't quite think he was drawn to her for that. "I..." He started, before trailing off as he was swooped off his feet. "Whoa!"

"Rudolph!" Anna cried out indignantly.

The vampire laughed as he flew out from the nearest window, and landed them to the ground. "Mother said everything is just about ready, we can do whatever before it starts, in another two hours."

"Oh, all right then..." Tony looked around, before grinning. "Awesome! Some stalls are already set up, come on. Let's hit some up."

Rudolph frowned, but he chalked it up to another one of Tony's human expressions. "And you really think it's okay if they see me?" He asked.

"Sure, it's Halloween. And Vampire costumes are one of the most common ones, just, uh..." Tony started, staring at Rudolph's feet. "Try to keep your feet on the ground. Even with costumes, humans can't fly. That would be a dead give away."

Rudolph scrunched up his nose, almost in disgust. "Why would anyone give away corpses? They are quite rotten, you know."

"Oh, no, that just means it would be obvious. It's like, announcing that you are a vampire." Tony explained, before taking Rudolph's hand. "Now come on, two hours are wasting."

For the most parts, Tony showed Rudolph some Halloween treat favorites, like Candy corn and Candy apple. Rudolph couldn't really consume them, just having one lick of the orange-white striped candy made him nauseous, but Tony's delight partaking them made up for it. Rudolph did thoroughly enjoy the festival game booths; ring toss, darting water balloons, and the like. Maybe it had something to do with his heightened vampire senses, but he won a prize in every single one, mostly having Tony choose them.

Though, he did keep a maneless stuffed lion. "It looks like you, so I shall name it 'Tony'!"

"What?" Tony balked, unsure if he should feel touched, or laugh out loud. "that's Simba, you dumbass."

Rudolph snorted, about to comment that his bottom, while not having a brain of its own, does not make it dumb, when Tony was suddenly jostled by a random festival attender.

"Hey!" Tony yelped, being knocked into Rudolph, nearly dropping the won prizes. "Rude! Watch─" He scowled, turning back to protest when the outrage was replaced by shock.

The offender, and his companion, turned back as well. "You watch─ Wohoho, lookie here, Nigel."

"Well, if it isn't Tiny Thompson. Seems like this trip back home won't be so boring after all, huh Flint?"

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