Important Friend

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A bit later, after some flying, it took Anna having to find them to return for dinner. A short argument occurred when the two younger members of the Sackville-Bagg family fought over who would get to sit beside Tony. Gregory settled the matter by having the human settled between his younger siblings. Gregory sat on the other side of Rudolph, and Freda on Anna's, to put a stop on other quarrels resulted from the two fighting for the blond's attention during dinner.

Gregory found the whole thing ridiculous, to be honest. In spite of this, he was still grateful for the human since he did save his brother, not to mention entire clan. Frederick even admitted that if it wasn't for Tony, they would've been fried by more of Rookery's beam lights. Still, he didn't see why his brother liked him so much. He understood Anna, to an extent. When he was human, he recalled how young ladies' minds were filled with romantic fantasies at their time. Plus, having Tony around was a good practice for her spell. As for Rudolph, while he was his first human friend, it wasn't as if his younger brother was deprived from good companionship. When they weren't at odds with each other, Anna and Rudolph had their appreciative moments too.

That's when he saw it.

The way Rudolph looked at Tony when he was explaining to him another human thing, or when he laughed at something anyone on the table would say, or when he dug into his meal so fast he choked... Basically, when Tony did anything, Rudolph would just stare at him as if it's the most interesting thing he ever saw.

Gregory was like that once, when he was at the workhouse. He and this guy usually had the same shifts and would make the work load much bearable with each other's company. It was one of his vague human memories, a part from his family history. He doesn't remember his name, only that he was particularly hairier than normal. All the same, that was the last time he remembered being in love. The guy promised to cover for him while Gregory went back for Anna and Rudolph. If there was one regret he had before almost dying and being turned into a vampire, it was never getting to say good bye to him.

Right now, Gregory was almost certain Rudolph was developing feelings for Tony, possibly something close to that magical connection Frederick and Freda once talked to him about. He wondered if he should tell Anna about it for her to back off, but thought better of it. It seemed such a hassle to bother. Anna was just alluring Tony for the sake of refining her spell, most possibly. If she wasn't actually into Tony, she'd get over it eventually and figure it out herself.

Later on, Tony, the castle owners, and the vampires had a meeting about what they would be doing for their vampire attraction for the town's Halloween festival coming up soon. In early Skype video chats, Tony suggested some urban legend icons like the Loch Ness monster and Bigfoot to decorate the area, make the place out to be some monster museum of sorts. They showed Tony how they were doing with those and they worked on the slight alterations, like adding paint and stuff. When all that's left was painting the back drops, planning to finish it tomorrow where the sun can dry it in time for Halloween that coming Friday. When that was arranged, and after allowing—albeit reluctantly—Anna to have her own dose of Tony attention, which may or may not involve her spell again, Tony and Rudolph went to their shared room. For his stay, Tony adjusted his sleep schedule, meaning he would be sleeping when Rudolph slept, and awake when he was; to make most of their time. So he slept the entire plane and truck ride on the way here to prepare for the night.

"What's that Tony?"

The blond looked back, seeing the vampire hovering beside him. He held up his Samsung tablet. "Oh, it's called a Tablet. And no, not a block of stone or anything." He said, expecting his vampire to question the term, as per usual. "Mom and dad got it for my birthday at the start of the month."

"Oh, your birthday had passed already." Rudolph blinked, and considering that Tony was a year older unsettled him for some inexplicable reasons. He almost wanted to age up himself, but his parents warned him not to take form changing lightly. "That makes you fourteen already, right?"

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