New Life

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Nothing new since that day. 

It's been two weeks and school has been nothing but troublesome, yet I can't help shake the feeling that I've been watched this entire time. 

It's gotten to the point where I'd sprint up the stairs and turn on all the lights as if it'd scare someone or something away. 

I know I sound paranoid but my life before is enough to delusion someone. It's sickening. I'd come up with every excuse to not be left alone, and when I am, I'd turn my music up extra loud, just to block out background noise. 

It's thankfully a Friday morning and as I walk into school, I try not to keep my distance. As much as I want to avoid people, at the same time, I never want to be left alone.

"Hey, Jasmine, you alright?" Crystal asks, I look at her, nodding my head a bit. 

"Yeah I'm fine. Just tired," I say, forcing out a smile. 

She threads her arm through mine, "you're always tired nowadays. Promise me you'll sleep a little this weekend." 

I give her a playful smirk as we walk together in the direction of our first hour. "Aw but Adam already promised me a weekend out." It's a half joke. He did promise to take me out, and insist I stay over but there's no way he hasn't noticed my slight shift in my actions.

"Just sleep. And eat and take care of yourself. Demand a spa day if he said he'd take you out," she tells me while hugging me tight. 

"I know Crystal. I will. I'll meet you in class," I tell her. She kisses my forehead gently before walking into class. 

I smile and turn around, walking down the basically empty hallway and to my locker. I unlock it and hang up my bag, slipping on my headphones and turning up my music as loud as I can bear it. 

I shut my locker but my heart bottoms out as a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "Adam?" 


Carsen's voice. 

"Get back," I choke out. 

His hands tighten on my hips, "Adam's sisters are adorable." My stomach drops, "come home." A demand. 

He doesn't even attempt to be nice about it either. "I've got school."

"The boss excused you. You're to leave, now." I feel tears roll down my face but I promised I wouldn't ever put Adam in danger. Swore it to myself. Swore it to him.

I stomp on his foot, hoping I crushed a bone or two as I calmly collect my stuff and head to the office. 

This is the life I wish would've been easier. I've been praying dad would keep his word and stay away from Jackson and I, but he never keeps his word.

Didn't keep it when he said he'd always keep me safe, or again when he'd promised me he'd stay away. 

I'm revolted by him and he's damn aware of it too. 

I see three cars out front but it's so blatantly obvious which one of them is my dad's since he's the only one with a grey Mclaren Senna.

I open the door, finding it surprisingly clean considering he's probably had both dead bodies and alive ones in here. I've watched him kill and he's merciless. 

"Hey there Flounder!" Dad yells over the loud music. I slide into the passenger seat and scowl at him.

"What do you want from me? I hate you," I seethe between clenched teeth. 

He laughs, a deep, throaty cackle. "Now, that's quite a way to talk to your father. It's been a while Jasmine." 

I shut off the music. "What do you want from me?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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