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''No I would not listen anything , just tell me why are you doing this all ?'' arpana asked with eyes filled with tears.

"It's for your own good beta why don't you understand?" 50 year old urmila said.

"But I told you that I don't want to get married, after mumma's death I was totally broken and thought there was no hope for me to live. I love her so much how could she leave me without seeing me becoming a great fashion designer. This was my dream but she made this her dream also and that's why I got a hope to live . To live to complete her dream "our dream" and what guys are doing huh I just completed my MA and you are marrying me off . I am a burden to you and dad that's why you want me to get married? " Arpana said while tears flowing through her eyes .

"No beta it's not like that . You know na your mother is also not here who can take care of you and you know na about your father's health that's why he he want to settle you " urmila said with concern .

"But aunty _ _ _ _ "

" No but's , just sleep tomorrow you have a very big and important day so take rest " urmila kissed her head and left the room .

" No I would not get married at all , dad don't care about me he only cared about his business and I have heard him talking to the groom's father that this marriage will make their business more strong and it's common in business market I know but I don't want to follow the same trend . That's why I decided to run ,yes I wil run away far from this place where my destiny will take me I will go there . With this I packed my some important things and ran away from my home . I was walking on the silent night road with my thoughts going on then from where I don't know a car hitted me and next thing I know was that I am going to die and with this I closed my eyes .

' I opened my eyes slowly and saw a old aged women looking at me '

" How are you feeling now my child ? "Old lady asked me .

" A little bit pain is there but although fine , but who are you and how I come here ? " I asked with a frown.

" What's your name beta ?"old lady asked me .

" My name it's...... My name is ..... Agh I can't remember my name , what's my name and where I am and are you ? " I asked her .

And the next word's she said to me I couldn't believe it was a mystery to me what she said

 this is my first time writing a novel so plz do tell my mistakes and what can be added to make the story more interesting . and plz support me and do like and follow if you like my work ......

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