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Despite having been awoken in the middle of the night due to Pat uncontrollably laughing at two in the morning, Declan managed to still get a good night's rest.

He got out of bed later than normal. He was exhausted after the events of the previous day, so he had slept longer than normal, something he enjoyed greatly.

Thomas was laying on the couch in the Common Room, a book in his hands. Declan recognized it as a book about charms. Perhaps he was reading about disillusionment.

"Hey, Thomas," said Declan as he approached him.

"Hey," Thomas replied. "You ready for later?"

Hearing this question made Declan smile. His date with Amanda was today. In Hogsmeade. Declan smiled until he realized they didn't have any specific plans outside of going to Hogsmeade. Perhaps they would go to the Three Broomsticks and shop together.

"Yeah," Declan lied. "I think I am."

"Y'know, Allison and I are gonna be left alone today. Lori's going to be with Joey all day, so you both are abandoning us," said Thomas.

"Sorry, Tom," said Declan.

The two boys walked down to the Great Hall for breakfast. As he walked through the halls, Declan received congratulations from various students for his performance in Quidditch. Even some students from Ravenclaw had approached him to admit he was better than anything Ravenclaw had ever been up against. All these comments had boosted Declan's confidence and allowed him to have less fear when he would go to Hogsmeade with Amanda later.

Declan and Thomas ate their food in a comfortable silence. The post owls all flew into the Great Hall as they ate. Declan, who wasn't expecting anything to arrive for him, was surprised when an owl had flown to the Hufflepuff table, a package in hand that was addressed to him, Declan Hayes.

Declan handed the owl a small bit of bacon before it flew off once more. In Declan's hands was a small parcel as well as a letter, which Declan recognized was branded with his mother's handwriting.

Deciding to exhibit some self control, Declan opened the letter before he opened the parcel. He opened the letter and a piece of parchment fell out of it. Declan began to read it.

Hi Declan!

 I heard you won your first ever Quidditch match and I want you to know I'm so proud of you. Your father and your uncle would both be very proud of you as well.

To celebrate your win against Ravenclaw (I'm still proud of you, even if  you defeated my own House), I sent you some gifts.

I hope you have a good rest of your term and I'll see you soon!

Your mother,

Melody Hayes

Declan smiled before turning to the parcel. Thomas, who had been waiting for Declan to open the package, watched in suspense to see what Declan had been sent.

"What do you think she sent you?" Thomas asked.

"I dunno," said Declan. "Perhaps food. I'll be happy if it's candy, I don't like having to go to the kitchens for Cauldron Cakes in the middle of the night."

Declan opened the package and multiple things fell out into his lap. The first thing he noticed was a yellow and black jumper. On the front were the words "Chaser," and "Hufflepuff." On the back was the number six as well as his name, Declan Hayes.

"Brilliant," said Declan.

Declan, who hadn't put on his school robes, threw the jumper on. It was comfortable, like every other jumper his mother had made for him.

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