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14th of April, 1975 - Whistbale, England.

"Melody, they're coming!"

As shouts were heard from outside, Melody Hayes walked down the stairs of her home, in her arms was her son who was barely a year old. Her face looked incredibly tired and frightened.

The boy in her arms began crying, something any baby would normally do when confronted with a situation like this. His mother rocked him in her arms and whispered assurances to him in an attempt to calm him down. The boys hair had changed color. It had gone from a vibrant blue to a dull grey.

The man who had shouted was the father of the crying boy. His wand was held tightly at his side. He waved it and the blinds of the windows all closed. He rushed to his wife's side.

"I've sent a Patronus to Fabian and Gideon. They'll be here shortly. You and Declan need to get somewhere safe, perhaps Hogwarts or your parents' place," he said.

"Wyatt, there's a dozen Death Eaters out there. You, Fabian, and Gideon will.." Melody trailed off, not wanting to imagine the thought of her husband being killed.

"Mel, we knew what we were getting into when we joined the Order. I'll never be okay knowing you and Declan aren't safe," said Wyatt.

Before Melody could respond, the room was illuminated by a bright green light. The fireplace had turned green and a man stepped out of it. He brushed his hair off and another man stepped out behind him. They were identical. Both men drew their wands.

"We got your Patronus, Wyatt," said the first man.

"Brilliant. Listen, we need to guarantee Mel and Declan enough time to get out of here using the Floo Network. They can't apparate in or out of here," Wyatt said, his tone urgent. Both of the men who had come out of the fire nodded.

Melody didn't have any time to argue. The second after Fabian and Gideon had nodded, a knock was heard on the door. Declan had begun to cry even more.

"Run, Melody," said Wyatt. Two words. The last words Melody would ever hear from him.

Declan turned his head out of Melody's arm. He looked around and saw the door blast open. His wails had turned into full on sobs.

The first one to step through the door pulled out her wand. She had large black curly hair. She screamed two words very quickly.

"Avada Kedavra!" she bellowed, her wand pointing towards Wyatt.

Wyatt, who didn't have his wand raised yet, didn't have any time to react. He was hit by a blinding green light and slumped over onto the ground, dead.

Melody ran towards the fire. Fabian and Gideon had drawn their wands and began dueling. Declan was still crying.

Melody frantically grabbed a large handful of Floo Powder. She stepped into the fireplace, holding Declan tightly to her. She dropped the Floo Powder.

"Highlands Lodge!" she said clearly, though her voice sounded rather shakey. Nobody heard the location as a large blast distracted the Death Eaters from it. The last sight Melody saw was her home collapsing and Fabian and Gideon both on the ground, dead.

Melody stepped out of a fireplace. She was instantly greeted by a hug and the absence of her son in her arms. She saw her mother holding Declan. Melody and Declan were both covered in dust.

Melody's legs gave out and she began crying. Her mother handed Declan to a man standing next to her and rushed to her daughter's side.

"Melody, what happened? Are you okay?" she asked.

Between sobs, Melody explained. "He's dead. Wyatt. Fabian and Gideon too."

Melody was still sobbing. Her mother didn't say anything. She hugged her daughter as she cried.

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