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In the morning, Declan awoke to the sound of his dormmates moving around. He moved the blinds covering his bed and saw them all getting into their robes. He leaned over to his desk and checked his watch. It was 8 o'clock.

Declan rushed out of his bed, grabbing his robes from his trunk, and ran into the bathroom. He put his robes on at what felt like a record speed and looked at himself in the mirror. He scrunched his nose and his hair went back to it's normal messy but still nice look.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Declan picked up his bag and stuck his wand into his pocket. Thomas had left the dormitory but Pat was still there.

"Late start today, huh, Declan?" he joked.

"Yeah, something like that," said Declan, pulling on his shoes.

The two boys stepped out of the dormitory and walked to the common room. When they walked in, Pat walked over to Erik and Terry. Thomas was sitting in a chair while Lori and Allison spoke with their dormmates.

Amy Crawford was a smart girl in their year. She was the same height as Lori and had black hair and brown eyes. Elizabeth Webb was taller than Amy and had blonde hair and green eyes. Tiffany Price had light blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Hey, Declan," said Amy.

"Hey," Declan responded.

Lori and Allison both said bye to their dormmates before walking over to Thomas, who was twirling his wand in his hand.

"All ready?" he asked. Allison nodded.

The four made their way out of the common room and began their walk to the Great Hall.

"I wonder what class we have first," Thomas said.

"I don't care what it is as long as it isn't Potions," Declan responded.

The four made their way into the Great Hall. Declan saw many students around the hall, including Toby, who was sitting with the burly boy Declan saw him sitting with last night. He noticed Bill and Charlie's brother, Percy, sitting on his own.

"Fourth year time tables," said Tonks, handing each of them a piece of parchment.

Declan examined his timetable as he sat down. He let out a large sigh when he saw his first class was Herbology and not Potions. After Herbology, he had Arithmancy. Following it was Care of Magical Creatures with Ravenclaw and then Charms and Transfiguration.

"No Potions until tomorrow!" Declan said, smiling.

"Don't let Snape hear you celebrate, he'll give you detention," said Lori.

Declan picked up some french toast and a goblet of apple juice. He drank some apple juice and began eating.

"After classes, can you show me your new Nimbus, Declan?" Allison asked.

"Sure," said Declan through a mouthful of food.

The four continued eating, speaking while they did so, before getting up and leaving the Great Hall and beginning to make their way to Herbology.

The Greenhouses were beside the castle, so the walk wasn't very long. Declan, Lori, Thomas, and Allison all claimed a planter for themselves, grouping up as they had in years prior. The Gryffindor students all slowly walked into the greenhouses alongside some of the other Hufflepuffs. Erik, Terry, and Pat all grouped up together with a boy from Gryffindor and Amy, Elizabeth, and Tiffany grouped with a girl from Gryffindor.

"Hello everyone! I'm sure you're all excited to spend another year at Hogwarts, but I'm reminding you that you shouldn't believe it will all be too easy. I will be giving you more work this year to prepare you for your O.W.L's next year," explained Professor Sprout. The students sighed.

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